Did you know that several different patients can benefit from one single whole blood donation? It takes just thirty minutes to make a lifesaving whole blood donation, and potentially help up to three different Mass General patients.
After donation, whole blood is separated into red blood cells, platelets and plasma. Doctors use these components to treat patients in a variety of different ways. For example, these components go to patients who suffer from leukemia, hemophilia, traumatic accidents, or patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or have lost blood during surgery.
Please allow 30-40 minutes for the entire visit when donating blood, though the actual blood donation will take 8-10 minutes. After registering, a nurse or phlebotomy technician will take your medical history. After your donation, you will spend a few minutes relaxing in our refreshment room before you resume your normal activities.
You can donate whole blood every 56 days (8 weeks or approximately 2 months. Immediately after your donation, your body will start to replace your donation with new blood cells.
Whole Blood Donation Hours
Tuesday–Thursday: 7:15 am–5:00 pm
Friday: 8:15 am–4:30 pm
We welcome walk-in donors Tuesday through Friday, but you can also make an appointment by calling 617-724-9699 or emailing us at MGHBloodDonorCenter@mgb.org.