
Professor of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School
Founder, Center for Medical Simulation

Research Areas

Simulation applications, performance assessment, safety

Description of Research

The Center for Medical Simulation is focused on patient safety, using simulation to train healthcare providers to manage critical events and practice good teamwork. Its Institute for Medical Simulation trains simulation educators from around the world to use simulation effectively in their educational and patient safety programs. The research is generally about how best to use simulation for these purposes and to study how providers and change behaviors to minimize the risks of adverse outcomes.

Selected Publications

Cooper JB, Newbower RS, Long CD, McPeek B.  Preventable anesthesia mishaps - a human factors study.  Anesthesiology 1978;49:399-406

Stevens LM, Cooper, JB, Raemer DB, Schneider RC, Frankel As, Berry WR, Agnihoutri AK. Educational program in crisis management for cardiac surgery teams including high realism simulation. J ThoracCardiovascSurg 2012;1-8 (in press)

Goldhaber-Feibert S, Cooper, JB: Safety in Anesthesia. In: Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, 8th edition. Dunn P ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2010, p.127-134

Nanji KC and Cooper JB. It is time to use checklists for anesthesia emergencies. (Editorial) Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. 2012;37(1):1-2.

Cooper JB and Longnecker D. Safety and Quality: The guiding principles of patient-centered care. In Longnecker, D, ed. New York: McGraw Hill Medical Publishing, 2012. p. 16-26

Mai ML, Szyld D, Cooper JB. Simulation in pediatric anesthesia. In Pediatric Anesthesia. Cote ed. (in press)