Legorreta Center for Clinical Transplant Tolerance
Contact Information
Massachusetts General Hospital
165 Cambridge Street, Suite 301
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About the Legorreta Center for Clinical Transplant Tolerance
The Legorreta Center for Clinical Transplant Tolerance at Massachusetts General Hospital is the first center in the world dedicated to establishing clinical transplant tolerance as the standard of care in transplant surgery.
Transplant tolerance is an innovative method that enables the patient’s immune system to maintain the new organ without the need for long-term immunosuppressant medications, allowing for patients to reduce or even discontinue medication while still ensuring the success of the transplant. With transplant tolerance immunosuppression drug-free transplants are a possibility.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a person live without one or both of their kidneys?
The kidneys are important for your health, helping to clean the blood by removing waste as urine and keeping water, salts, and minerals balanced. They also help control blood pressure and make new red blood cells. While most people have two kidneys, it is possible to live with just one. For people with kidney failure, or end-stage kidney disease, wherein the kidneys’ function is severely impaired, treatments like dialysis or a kidney transplant are needed.
What is organ rejection?
Following transplant surgery, patients typically require lifelong immunosuppressant medications to stop the immune system from attacking and, ultimately, rejecting the new organ. This rejection process naturally occurs as the immune system's main function is to protect the body from harm by identifying foreign cells and tissues—such as a virus or bacteria. It perceives these foreign “intruders” as a threat and mounts an immune response to attack them. It unfortunately also recognizes transplanted organs as foreign and targets them. Immunosuppressive medications reduce this immune response after transplant surgery to prevent organ rejection.
What is transplant tolerance?
Transplant tolerance refers to the body’s ability to accept a transplanted organ as its own, reducing or removing the need for immunosuppressant drugs after transplant. At the MGH CCTT, tolerance induction makes immunosuppression-free transplants possible.
Is the MGH transplant tolerance protocol safe?
What are immunosuppressants and how do they prevent a rejection episode?
Immunosuppressants, or antirejection medications, are drugs that weaken the body’s ability to attack a transplanted organ. This defense system is known as the immune system.
In this animation, learn more about what happens in the body during organ rejection, an injurious immune response that may result in damage or loss of a transplanted organ.
What are the side effects of immunosuppressant medications?
While these medications are globally considered the standard of care for long-term transplant success, they are associated with significant side effects and don’t always prevent a slow form of organ rejection called chronic rejection. The impact of these medications on a patient’s quality of life can be significant and can increase the chance of infections and other complications, like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other metabolic diseases.
How is clinical transplant tolerance achieved?
To initiate tolerance after transplant surgery, the Legorreta Center for Clinical Transplant Tolerance at Mass General uses clinically tested treatments that combine donor bone marrow or blood stem cell transplantation with organ transplantation, which allows for the slow reduction of immunosuppressive medications after surgery. This is called simultaneous tolerance.
Our expert team infuses donor bone marrow or blood stem cells into the patient’s body at the same time as they transplant the organ. In the weeks following surgery, the cells expand and train the immune system to recognize the new organ and accept it as its own rather than attack it.
While immunosuppressive medications are still required immediately following surgery, they will be carefully and intentionally reduced over 9-18 months—sometimes, until no medication is needed at all.
In this animation, learn more about how transplant tolerance aims to re-educate the immune system after transplant surgery to prevent organ rejection without the use of medication.
Am I eligible for an immunosuppressant-free transplant if I received a kidney transplant in the past?
We also aim to eliminate the need for lifelong immunosuppression in patients who underwent kidney transplant surgery in the past. Our preclinical studies have proven that this is possible, and we are currently enrolling patients into an FDA-approved clinical trial for “Delayed Tolerance.”
This approach is possible as long as the bone marrow or blood stem cells from the original kidney donor are available. For those who received their new organ through the deceased donor waitlist, we can use the donor’s bone marrow cells if they were stored at the time of the original transplant surgery. For recipients who received their new organ through living donation, the delayed tolerance treatment is available anytime as long as their original living donor is willing and medically cleared to provide bone marrow or blood stem cells.
By completing the e-questionnaire,, we can start the process to determine a patient's eligibility for either the simultaneous tolerance or the delayed tolerance protocols.
Is transplant tolerance available to all organ recipients?
While delayed tolerance treatment at Mass General is currently only available for kidney transplant patients, our team is working to expand this option to include other organ recipients in the future.
How do I schedule an appointment?
You will need to be a kidney transplant candidate to qualify for the transplant tolerance protocol. If you are a kidney transplant patient, request an appointment using our secure online form.
What to Expect: New Transplant Patients
Transplant tolerance care typically begins once the living donor is identified and ready to donate their kidney. Prepare for the transplant tolerance journey by clicking the arrow buttons below to see each step in the process.

Once a living donor has been approved, the recipient is prepared for kidney transplant.

The recipient is admitted 1 week before transplant to start medication and thymus irradiation to prepare for transplantation.

An infusion of donor bone marrow or blood stem cells is combined with kidney transplantation to induce transplant tolerance.

Donor bone marrow or blood stem cells will expand in the recipient body for weeks to months after transplantation and then slowly.

The recipient is on immunosuppressants to prevent rejection of the transplanted kidney.

Biopsy of the transplanted kidney and blood tests performed 6 months post-transplant to monitor for rejection.

Following a normal biopsy, gradual reduction of immunosuppressive medication begins and is completed 1 year after transplantation.
What to Expect: Former Transplant Patients
Patients who received their donor organ in the past can still receive transplant tolerance care as long as the bone marrow or blood stem cells from the original kidney donor are available. Prepare for the transplant tolerance journey by clicking the arrow buttons below to see each step in the process.

After your transplant, you'll work with the transplant team to create an action plan for your ongoing care.

The recipient is admitted 1 week before transplant to start medication and thymus irradiation to prepare for transplantation.

An infusion of donor bone marrow or blood stem cells is given to induce transplant tolerance.

The recipient is on immunosuppressants to prevent rejection of the transplanted kidney.

Biopsy of the transplanted kidney and blood tests performed 6 months post-transplant to monitor for rejection.

Following a normal biopsy, gradual reduction of immunosuppressive medication begins and is completed 1 year after transplantation.
Our Team
The Legoretta Center for Clinical Transplant Tolerance team guides patients through every stage of care.
- Surgical Director, Kidney Transplantation
- Chair of Quality Improvement, Transplant Center
- Operations Director, Legorreta Center for Clinical Transplant Tolerance
- Director, Legorreta Center for Clinical Transplant Tolerance
- A.Benedict Cosimi Chair in Transplant Surgery
- Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School
- Harold and Ellen Danser Endowed Chair in Transplantation
- Medical Director of Kidney Transplantation
- Associate Director, Legorreta Center for Clinical Transplant Tolerance
- Associate Director, Legorreta Center for Clinical Transplant Tolerance
- Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
- Director Emeritus, Bone Marrow Transplant Program
Patient Story
Meet Peggy, a brave kidney recipient who underwent the innovative Tolerance Induction protocol through the Legorreta Center for Clinical Transplant Tolerance at the Mass General Transplant Center. Peggy has been living immunosuppression-free for years following her life-saving kidney transplant.
Immunosuppressants will be reduced over 9-18 months
This will be done carefully and intentionally after surgery.
Living Donation
Mass General has one of the most active and experienced living kidney and liver donor programs in the region.
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Explore our transplant programs
The only center in the region to offer adult patients transplantation for every organ, the Transplant Center at Massachusetts General Hospital is a destination for any patient requiring transplantation.