Lung Screening Program

Why is Lung Screening Important?
Lung screening has the potential to detect lung cancer at earlier stages when it has the best chance of being cured.At Mass General Imaging, we use low-dose CT scans (LDCT) to screen for lung cancer among high-risk people who meet the criteria. A LDCT is a type of CT exam that uses a low dose of radiation to take detailed images of the lungs. It does not use IV or oral contrast.
Jo-Anne Shepard, MDFor patients at high risk of lung cancer, screening with LDCT has the potential to find even the smallest cancers at an early stage when they are most treatable.
Chief, Division of Thoracic Imaging and Intervention
Hear Dr. Shepard talk about the importance of getting screened for lung cancer in this video.
How to Prepare for a Lung Screening
Most low-dose CT exams last 15 minutes but the actual scanning takes about two minutes.
- When to Arrive - Please arrive 30 minutes before your appointment so we can properly prepare for your imaging.
- Eating & Drinking - You can eat and drink as you normally would before your appointment.
- Clothing - Please wear loose, comfortable clothes with no metal like zippers or underwire in bras. Metal can blur the images. We may ask you to change into hospital attire for clearer images.
- Valuables - You can keep your things with you during a CT exam, but we suggest you leave your valuables at home so you don’t have to worry about them.
- Children - Children are not allowed in the exam room. If you need to bring kids, please bring someone to watch them in the waiting room.
Patient Resources
The best way to prevent lung cancer is to be tobacco-free and get screened every year with a low-dose CT. Use these patient resources to get help quitting and to prepare for your low-dose CT at Mass General. You can contact us if you have any questions.
Quitting Smoking
Get resources from Mass General on how to quit smoking.
Lung Cancer: Should I Be Screened
This shared-decision making tool can help you talk to your doctor about your choices.
Lung Screening Information for Patients
Download our information sheet for patients and find a lung screening location.
Lung Screening FAQ
Read more about lung cancer screening including the risks and benefits.
Lung Screening FAQ
Watch our video for answers to common questions about lung screening.
Lung Screening Videos
Watch a series of our educational videos on lung screening including who's eligible.
Bob's Story
Hear from a former smoker how lung screening changed his life.
Introducing Sybil
Powered by cutting-edge AI and developed through a collaboration between MIT and Mass General, Sybil leverages an advanced deep learning model to process and analyze vast datasets from nationwide low-dose CT scan studies. It proactively tracks disease progression in lung cancer patients while harnessing predictive analytics to forecast future cancer risks years ahead, revolutionizing early detection and personalized healthcare.
How AI predicts lung cancer risk 6 years in advance.
Bob's Story
How Screening Led to Early Direction
As a former smoker, Bob McDonald knew that he might be at risk for lung cancer. But even after he was screened, he was still surprised by the results. Find out how early detection changed his life.

Are You Eligible for Lung Screening?
Find out if you or a loved one meets the criteria for an annual low-dose CT scan to screen for lung cancer. It's covered by most insurance.
Early Detection Saves Lives
In a major study of 50,000 patients, low-dose CT resulted in 20% fewer lung cancer deaths compared to screening with a standard chest X-ray.
Get Your Imaging Results
After your imaging exam, a radiologist sends a report to your doctor. Most results are in Patient Gateway.
Cancer Early Detection & Diagnostics Clinic
We provide patients with comprehensive cancer diagnosis in one location, bridging the gap between clinical care & research in cancer early detection.
Refer a Patient to Mass General Imaging
Are you a provider who wants to refer a patient to Mass General Imaging? Call our Central Scheduling Office between 7:30 am and 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Or order online.