Mass General Education and Training

Massachusetts General Hospital offers numerous residencies, fellowships, internships and other educational opportunities. Refine your search for programs with the search box and/or filters.
    259 results
    • fellowship

    Abdominal Transplant Surgery Fellowship

    The Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School Abdominal Organ Transplant Fellowship is an American Society of Transplant Surgery-accredited, two-year fellowship for surgeons seeking advanced training in the field of transplant surgery.

    • fellowship

    Acute Neurotherapeutics and Neuromonitoring Fellowship

    The Clinical Fellowship in Acute Neurotherapeutics and Neuromonitoring is a one- year non-ACGME fellowship geared towards international applicants seeking training in emergency neurology and neuromonitoring.

    • fellowship

    Addiction Medicine Fellowship

    The Massachusetts General Hospital Addiction Medicine Fellowship is a one-year clinical fellowship with advanced training in addiction medicine.

    • fellowship

    Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship

    The one-year Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship affiliated with Harvard Medical School at Mass General offers fellows exposure to a wide range of clinical opportunities.

    • fellowship

    Administrative Fellowship Program

    The Administrative Fellowship Program is a two-year program designed to provide health care professionals with essential hospital management and administration training in ambulatory care and inpatient settings.

    • internship

    Administrative Internship

    Mass General provides an excellent learning environment for healthcare management students interested in hospital leadership. Each summer, we accept a limited number of master’s degree students for administrative internship opportunities.

    • fellowship

    Adult Cardiac Surgery Fellowship

    The Adult Cardiac Surgery Fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital Corrigan Minehan Heart Center is a one- or two-year non-ACGME accredited training program.

    • fellowship

    Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Fellowship

    The Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital is a 12-month training program that prepares individuals to become highly skilled in the anesthetic care of cardiothoracic patients.

    • residency

    Adult Psychiatry Residency

    The Massachusetts General Hospital – McLean Hospital Adult Residency Training Program in Psychiatry has been designed to prepare resident physicians for the practice of psychiatry in the 21st century.

    Showing 1 - 10 of 259 results