MGH Community Health Impact Funds

What You Need to Know
The priorities and strategies for the MGH Community Health Impact Funds are determined by the Community Advisory Board (CAB), with the distribution directed by the Allocation Committee, and guided by our 2022-23 Community Health Needs Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan. As we are committed to a widespread transparent process, timely updates will be made to this site, regular newsletters, and social media.
Regulatory Overview
Learn more about the Determination of Need (DoN) process which regulates and governs the MGH Community Health Impact Funds.
Priorities and Strategies
Learn more about the funding priorities and strategies chosen by the (CAB) and guided by the community-driven 2022-2023 CHNA/CHIP process.
Timeline and Important Dates
Read more about the distribution timeline, allocation committees, and other important calendar items for our four priorities—housing, mental health, economic mobility, and food security.
Application Process
Learn more about the current process to apply for funding for the mental health and economic mobility priorities and strategies.
Elsie Taveras, MD, MPHWe look forward to building upon our long-standing history of community health improvement partnerships and investments in community health equity and expanding those efforts as part of the Phillip and Susan Ragon Building project.
Chief Community Health and Equity Officer, Mass General Brigham
Get the Most Up to Date Information!
We will be providing timely updates regarding the MGH Community Health Impact Funds process and other related news, so please stay tuned as more information becomes available. If you would like to receive regular updates, subscribe to our newsletter and eblasts by contacting