This Is Me: Gyasi

When the doctor heard that I was autistic, she started talking to my mom and not to me… I always use experiences like this as lessons. You should listen to your patients, since they might actually know more than you think they know.
As a member of the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council, I work on important bills that benefit the disabilities community as a whole… such as bills that have to do with the response to COVID and making sure that people living with disabilities have access to medical care without getting discriminated against. You get into a field because you have interests, you have a passion, you have a self-interest—but then you have to realize it’s about more than just you. As much as I’m involved in disability advocacy because I represent something, I also have to be here for more than just me.
This Is Me
In celebration of our community’s diverse abilities, we present the This Is Me exhibit. This Is Me amplifies the voices of individuals living with disabilities and chronic health conditions, caregivers and disability rights activists.