Patient Story: Kidney Donation Saved Her Cousin's Life
When Jeanette Bernard needed an urgent kidney transplant in January 2018, it was not a stranger from a donor list but her own cousin, Jill Palermo, who came to her aid.
Patient Story5 Minute ReadApr | 6 | 2021
April is National Donate Life Month, a campaign created by the nonprofit organization Donate Life America to teach the public about the benefits of and need for organ donation.
In recognition of this campaign, the living donor team at Massachusetts General Hospital collected reflections from a few of our previous donors about their experience and their advice for anyone who is interested to become a living donor.
Many living donors commented on the length of the process, saying that while the screening process can be quite involved and take time, their living donor team made it simple and comforting every step of the way.
Others were surprised at how they felt, emotionally and physically, following surgery.
For many, the feeling of giving the gift of life was more rewarding and fulfilling than anticipated.
Some even found a supportive new community, thanks to their donation experience.
Many want to express to those interested in donation that there is often no change in quality of life following donation.
Others pass along the positive experience they had at the Mass General Transplant Center.
Across the board, living donors want to let others out there know that the rewards of donating last a lifetime.
One donor summarizes the experience in a way we could not have put better ourselves:
“It is truly rare chance to give in a way that nothing else comes close to matching. On my worst days at work, I just remember that a piece of me is happily thriving with a healthy friend. It immediately puts everything in perspective in a way that nothing else can. When you get to give like this, you receive an amazing gift in return!”
Thank you to living donors everywhere!
The demand for donations has never been greater. Source:
Live donation allows patients to receive a transplant without waiting for an organ from a deceased donor.
When Jeanette Bernard needed an urgent kidney transplant in January 2018, it was not a stranger from a donor list but her own cousin, Jill Palermo, who came to her aid.
Throughout April 2019, the Massachusetts General Hospital Transplant Center and New England Donor Services (NEDS) partner to recognize National Donate Life Month (NDLM), the largest nationwide awareness campaign for the transplant field.
When Ann Foti learned that she could become a living donor for her husband, Gino, she was determined to donate her kidney to him; however, because of complications with Gino’s condition and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, their journey toward transplantation surgery was far from simple.
April is Donate Life Month, and to celebrate, the Massachusetts General Hospital Transplant Center held a Facebook Live event hosted by Transplant and Hepatobiliary Surgeon Leigh Anne Dageforde, MD, MPH, and moderated by surgical resident and former living kidney donor Charles Rickert, MD.
When Jeanette Bernard needed an urgent kidney transplant in January 2018, it was not a stranger from a donor list but her own cousin, Jill Palermo, who came to her aid.
Throughout April 2019, the Massachusetts General Hospital Transplant Center and New England Donor Services (NEDS) partner to recognize National Donate Life Month (NDLM), the largest nationwide awareness campaign for the transplant field.
When Ann Foti learned that she could become a living donor for her husband, Gino, she was determined to donate her kidney to him; however, because of complications with Gino’s condition and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, their journey toward transplantation surgery was far from simple.
April is Donate Life Month, and to celebrate, the Massachusetts General Hospital Transplant Center held a Facebook Live event hosted by Transplant and Hepatobiliary Surgeon Leigh Anne Dageforde, MD, MPH, and moderated by surgical resident and former living kidney donor Charles Rickert, MD.
Organ donation saves lives. We are advocates for organ and tissue donation. We strive to find new ways to share available organs among patients on transplant wait lists and, ultimately, to give a second chance at life.