Inaugural Krantz Awards Recipient

2023 Breakthrough Award: Addressing side effects and resistance to adoptive T-cell therapy in melanoma
Team: Genevieve M. Boland, MD, PhD, Russell W. Jenkins, MD and Moshe Sade-Feldman, PhD.

Krantz Awards

Learn more about the team's research: Revolutionizing Cancer Immunotherapy for Melanoma and Beyond.

About the Lab

The Boland Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital, directed by Genevieve M. Boland, MD, PhD, leads correlative immuno-oncology efforts in melanoma and gastrointestinal malignancies. Its main research focus is to utilize patient-derived specimens (tumors/blood) to:

  • Understand cancer biology
  • Identify mechanisms of response and resistance to current therapies
  • Identify biomarkers of therapeutic responses and immune-related toxicities
  • Nominate new targets for combinatorial trials

About Genevieve Boland, MD, PhD

Dr. Boland is an academic surgeon whose career has been shaped by a desire to impact patient outcomes and survival. Her group focuses on questions related to patient care and how it is impacted by underlying cancer genetics, biology and immunology. As an MD/PhD, she is well equipped to bridge the complementary, but disparate, clinical and research environments, translating interesting research findings into meaningful clinical interventions based on the newest available technology. Dr. Boland serves as a mentor for the next generation of academic surgeons and research scientists. Her laboratory aims to support the career development of a diverse and modern community of academic physicians and scientists.

Dr. Boland is an associate member of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and her laboratory is involved in several large multi-institutional efforts, such as the NIH Human Tumor Atlas Network. Although much of the laboratory’s research is translational in nature, its members have been integral in describing disparities in the utilization of immunotherapy in stage IV melanoma (Molina G… Boland GM, Cancer 2020) and identification of clinical phenotypes of therapy response and resistance (Rauwerdink D… Boland GM, Ann Surg Onc 2020Bai X… Boland GM, JITC 2021). Dr. Boland was chosen by the Mass General Executive Committee of Research to receive the Martin Prize in Clinical Research for her paper published in Nature Medicine entitled, “Evolution of Delayed Resistance to Immunotherapy in a Melanoma Responder” (Liu D… Boland GM, Nat Med 2021).

Research Positions

The Boland Lab is currently recruiting for a postdoctoral position. Ideal candidates would have an MD/PhD or PhD in one of the following:

  • Genetics
  • Immunology
  • Molecular and/or cellular biology
  • Bioinformatics

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