The Center for Quantitative Health (CQH) in the Division of Clinical Research and the Center for Genomic Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital focuses on utilizing large data sets to develop strategies for precision medicine and quantitative health.
Focus Areas
- Developing methods to better match patients with effective treatment
- Developing tools to allow clinicians to quantify and interpret short- and long-term risks for individual patients
- Identifying promising treatments already approved by the FDA that can be repurposed for other applications
- Monitoring and quantifying treatment outcomes and identifying sources of variability in these outcomes
- Integrating clinical features with biological measures and passive physiologic measures to monitor and predict outcomes
Our Philosophy
We believe that despite the incredible hype associated with big data, there is a real opportunity to better serve patients by developing tools for making clinically-actionable predictions.
By facilitating the interaction of clinical and basic scientists at Mass General and the broader community, and providing tools to do challenging but essential studies, CQH is intended to bridge the gap between large data sets and clinical application.
Research Projects
We are currently not recruiting patients for our research studies.
Please call the research coordinator at 617-643-6310 or email us at with questions about our research program.
Dr. Perlis also conducts experimental research developing cellular models of neuropsychiatric disease. For more information regarding this research, please visit
Research Support
We are grateful for the support of grants from NICHD, NIMH, the Barnett Family, the Blyth Family, and the Dozoretz Family, among others.
Thomas H. McCoy Jr, MD
Director of Research, Center for Quantitative Health
Kamber Hart, MS
Program Manager
Anu Ramachandiran, BA
Clinical Research Coordinator
Pilar Verhaak
Clinical Research Coordinator
Affiliated Faculty
Victor M. Castro, MS
Data Scientist, Mass General Brigham
Center for Experimental Drugs and Diagnostics
Steven D. Sheridan, PhD
Sr. Research Investigator
Director, Platform for Cellular Modeling of Neuropsychiatric Disease (cMiND)
Hana Yeh, PhD
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Liam McCrea
Research Technologist
Joshua Bowen
Research Technician
Dr. Perlis on PubMed