About Sabine Wilhelm, PhD

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Departments, Centers, & Programs:

Clinical Interests:




Mass General Psychiatry: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder & Related Disorders Program
185 Cambridge St.
Simches Research Center
Suite 2000
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-6766

Medical Education

  • PhD, University of Marburg
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital

Accepted Insurance Plans

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


  • Selected publications:

    Peterson TJ, Sprich S, Wilhelm S (Eds.), The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Springer. (2023).

    Peterson TJ, Sprich S, Wilhelm S (Eds.), The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Springer. (2016).

    Peterson TJ, Sprich S, Wilhelm S (Eds.), The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Springer. (2015).

    Wilhelm S, Phillips KA, Steketee G. A cognitive behavioral treatment manual for body dysmorphic disorder. New York, Guilford Press (2013).

    Woods D, Piacentini J, Chang S, Deckersbach T, Ginsburg G, Peterson A, Scahill L,Walkup J, Wilhelm S. Managing tourette syndrome: A behavioral intervention for children and adults: Therapist guide (Treatments that work). New York, NY: Oxford University Press (2008).

    Woods D, Piacentini J, Chang S, Deckersbach T, Ginsburg G, Peterson A, Scahill L,Walkup J, Wilhelm S. Managing tourette syndrome: A behavioral intervention parent workbook (Treatments that work). New York, NY: Oxford University Press (2008).

    Woods D, Piacentini J, Chang S, Deckersbach T, Ginsburg G, Peterson A, Scahill L, Walkup J, Wilhelm S. Managing tourette syndrome: A behavioral intervention adult workbook (Treatments that work). New York, NY: Oxford University Press (2008).

    Wilhelm S, Steketee G. Cognitive therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder: A guide for professionals. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Press (2006).

    Wilhelm S. Feeling good about the way you look: A program for overcoming body image problems. New York, NY: Guilford Press (2006).

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