Police, Security & Outside Services

A Message of Solidarity
Police and Security stand with our Mass General Community in strong solidarity against racism and hate, and with all impacted by violence and injustice. We affirm our commitment to work together each day to foster a just, equitable and inclusive culture.
Visitor Parking
The Parking Division provides parking services, valet services, carpool organization and commuter services to the Mass General Community.
Lost and Found
Have you lost an item at Mass General within the last 30 days? Police & Security operates the main lost & found repository for the hospital.
Security Escort
Police and Security will provide escorts to any patient, visitor or employee who wants an escort to the garages, lots and streets near the hospital.
About Us
Our mission is to proactively and competently deliver protective and supportive services to the Mass General community, facilitating a welcoming, accessible and safe environment.
Employee Services
Mass General Commuter's Corner
Manage your parking debit balance, buy guest parking stickers and more.
Parking & Commuter Services
Find information for parking, carpools, zipcars, MBTA pass programs and other services that Mass General offers its employees.
Event Security
Learn more about how Police & Security provides both uniformed offices and officers in business attire to perform details based upon your event needs.
Photo ID Badges and Electronic Access Control
Request a new photo ID badge or an electronic access card.
Reporting a Suspicious Person or Activity
Here is what to do if you suspect a person is not where they belong or is engaged in questionable activity.
Find out about our fingerprinting services for medical licensing, security clearances and professional applications.
Notary Public
The notary public is free for all employees.
Security Training
The department provides a wide array of training programs to help keep the hospital safe, secure and comfortable.
Employee Training
Mass General offers its employees both in-person and online safety training. (Intranet only)
AVADE is an acronym for Awareness-Vigilance-Avoidance-Defense-Escape. It is the most comprehensive and effective approach to violence and aggression in the workplace.
Armed Intruder
Armed Intruder Training addresses this sensitive topic and what you can do should this rare event occur. This class teaches the ins and outs of the Run.Hide.Fight. model.
SAVE (Security Awareness and Vigilance for Everyone)
Security Awareness and Vigilance for Everyone (SAVE) is a program designed to empower MGH employees to recognize and report suspicious individuals.