Learn about the different teams that make up the Department of Pharmacy at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Pharmacy Operations

The Pharmacy Operations team oversees the medication use process at Mass General, ensuring reliable and safe delivery of medicines to our patients at Mass General. This team oversees the procurement, storage, preparation, distribution and delivery of medications throughout the Mass General Hospital campus and ambulatory clinics. The Operations team is comprised of over 120 FTE and approximately 175 employees, across three functional groups: Central Distribution Services, Compounding Services and Perioperative Pharmacy Services.

Central Pharmacy Distribution Services

The Central Pharmacy Distribution team provides safe and efficient medication distribution services throughout Mass General inpatient units, procedural areas, PACUs and many ambulatory clinics. This team oversees the code cart exchange program throughout the Mass General campus and also manages our online ordering system, distributing medications to over 100 Mass General clinics throughout the greater Boston area. Central distribution utilizes numerous pieces of automation and technology to distribute medications throughout Mass General, including five medication carousels in the central pharmacy, over 140 automated dispensing cabinets throughout our facilities and RFID tracking technologies in our code carts.

Compounding Pharmacy Services

The inpatient compounding services team provides compounding and repackaging services for Mass General's main campus and many clinics. These services include sterile and non-sterile compounding of patient-specific orders within the hospital, including both hazardous and non-hazardous preparations and investigational drug products. This team also provides oversight of the total parenteral nutrition (TPN) clinical review and ordering process and the preparation of allergen extracts for allergy clinics. Additionally, our compounding center provides sterile and non-sterile batch compounding services and unit-dose repackaging and barcoding services. This team maintains a robust quality assurance program that includes end product sterility and stability testing of sterile compounds, routine personnel aseptic technique testing and environmental monitoring of all clean rooms and engineering controls.

Perioperative Pharmacy Services

The Perioperative Pharmacy Services team is an innovative team of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians that works closely with anesthesiology/surgery providers, OR nursing and ancillary staff to provide pharmacy distribution and clinical services throughout the perioperative areas of Mass General. Clinical pharmacy services include: drug information services and clinical order review and verification in the perioperative setting, medication reconciliation at the transitions of care with the perioperative areas, intraoperative code attendance and malignant hyperthermia crisis attendance. This team also provides educational in-services and training to pharmacy, nursing and anesthesia staff throughout the year. Pharmacy technicians distribute medications throughout the perioperative arena and manage the compounding of sterile products and automation and technology systems including more than 80 automated anesthesia workstations, a fully functioning carousel, automated dispensing cabinets and RFID tracking systems for medications in the operating rooms.

Our Team

Connor Hanson, PharmD, MS
Director, Pharmacy Operations

Antonia Akrap, PharmD, MS
Manager, Perioperative Pharmacy Services

Kevin Liu, PharmD
Manager, Compounding Pharmacy Services

Clinical Pharmacy Services

The Clinical Pharmacy team at Massachusetts General Hospital seeks to provide the highest level of pharmacy service to patients by ensuring the safe and effective use of medications throughout all phases of care. The team is structured on a team-based model, divided into clinical service lines. These include: cardiology, pediatrics, internal medicine, medical critical care, surgical critical care, neurological critical care, neurology, surgery, transplant, emergency medical services, oncology, ambulatory care and infectious disease. The clinical pharmacy team at Mass General strives to advance the practice of pharmacy through innovative, pragmatic clinical research, continuous quality improvement and interdisciplinary collaboration. The clinical team also is actively engaged in multidisciplinary committees across the hospital to identify opportunities to improve the medication use system and to aid patients in achieving the best possible outcomes from their pharmacotherapy. Superimposed on all of these activities is education. Our team precepts over 100 advanced pharmacy practice rotations annually, as well as supporting 16 pharmacy residents across 9 residency programs.

Our Team

Ramy Elshaboury, PharmD, BCPS
Director, Clinical Pharmacy Services
Director, Graduate Pharmacy Education

Jacqueline Clark, PharmD, BCPS, BCTXP
Manager, Transplant and Infectious Diseases

Kelly Newman, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP
Manager, Emergency Medicine, Transitions of Care, and Neurosciences

Russel Roberts, PharmD, BCCCP, FCCM
Clinical Manager, Cardiology, Pediatrics, and Transplant Pharmacy Services

TuTran Nguyen, PharmD, BCPS, CPPS
Clinical Pharmacy Manager, Medicine, Surgery, Psychiatry, and Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Services

Oncology Pharmacy Services

The Ambulatory Oncology Infusion team oversees the mediation use process and clinical support for ambulatory infusion clinics at Mass General. This includes teams located at the Mass General main campus in Boston, MA, Mass General Brigham Healthcare Center (Waltham), and Mass General Brigham Healthcare Center (Danvers). The team is responsible for the safe and effective use of medications, including procurement, storage, clinical review, preparation and distribution. The Ambulatory Oncology Infusion team is comprised of over 40 FTE across the three locations.


Yawkey 8 Pharmacy
55 Fruit Street, Boston, MA

Mass General Brigham Healthcare Center (Waltham)
52 2nd Avenue, Waltham, MA

Mass General Brigham Healthcare Center (Danvers)
104 Endicott Street, Danvers, MA

Mass General Cancer Center at Newton-Wellesley
2014 Washington St, Newton, MA 02462

Our Team

Corey McEwen, PharmD, MS
Director, Oncology Pharmacy Services

Katherine Hanger, PharmD, BCOP
Clinical Manager, Oncology Pharmacy Services

John Cameron Crowe, PharmD, MSHA
Manager, Cancer Center Infusion Pharmacy

Katie Lafleur, PharmD
Coordinator, Yawkey Cancer Center Infusion Pharmacy

Antoinette Lavino, RPh, BCOP, MHA
Manager, Danvers & Waltham Cancer Center Pharmacies

Brian Verlizzo, PharmD, MHA, BCSCP
Waltham Cancer Center Pharmacy

Business and Finance

The Pharmacy Business and Finance team consists of three main teams: The Pharmacy Data and Analytics, Supply Chain Management and 340B teams. Each work together to find cost-effective solutions to various dilemmas in the Pharmacy Department. Our Business and Finance team is responsible for weighing the needs of the Pharmacy Department, alongside our annual budget, against costs to avoid unnecessary spending while also providing the best possible product for patients.

Our Team

Cynthia Richard
Director, Business and Finance

Thomas Webb, PharmD, BCPS
Manager, Supply Chain Pharmacy

Medication Use Policy and Informatics

The Medication Use Policy and Informatics team at Massachusetts General Hospital collaborates with the Mass General Brigham Center for Drug Policy, Mass General Brigham eCare, Mass General Brigham IS, Department of Quality and Safety, pharmacy staff and health care professionals at Mass General and across the Mass General health system to promote safe, evidence-based, cost-effective use of medications and technology.

Drug Policy Team Overview and Highlights

The Drug Policy Coordinator is a leader in formulary management and clinical drug policy development. Services provided by the Drug Policy Coordinator include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Support the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Safety Committee (PTSC) and subcommittees
  • Support formulary management activities, coordinate the annual formulary review, maintain Mass General's Lexicomp® online formulary
  • Coordinate medication use evaluations
  • Coordinate the development of policies, guidelines and protocols related to the use, administration and monitoring of medications to promote best practices
  • Support the distribution of drug policy updates through maintenance of the PTSC intranet and presenting updates at staff meetings
  • Assist with implementation and communication of drug shortage mitigation strategies
  • Precept pharmacy students and residents on their drug policy rotation

Medication Safety Team Overview and Highlights

The Medication Safety Coordinators are leaders in implementing highly effective initiatives and practices designed to decrease the risk of harm from medication use. These initiatives are built upon a respectful, “Just Culture” to foster the development of system-based solutions, including technology and practice changes and support a culture of safety. Services provided by the Medication Safety Coordinators include, but are no limited to:

  • Coordinate the implementation of risk reduction strategies and support a culture of safety
  • Review, monitor, and track medication safety reports; develop subsequent action plans
  • Participate in Root Cause Analysis (RCAs)
  • Coordinate changes to all pump platforms
  • Support the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Safety Committee (PTSC) Safety Subcommittee
  • Precept pharmacy students and residents on their medication safety rotation

Quality improvement and error prevention methodologies and strategies are employed from leading national organizations such as:

  • The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP)
  • Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
  • American Society of Health Systems Pharmacy (ASHP)
  • The Joint Commission (TJC)

Informatics Team Overview and Highlights

The Pharmacy Informatics team at Mass General consists of Pharmacists and IT professionals that provide clinical informatics, automation and information systems support. The team is involved in technology selection, integration, implementation and maintenance to support technology and clinical applications used by the pharmacy department.

Services include, but are not limited to:

  • Collaborating with Mass General Brigham eCare and Mass General eCare to support system build, maintenance and troubleshooting support for the Epic Willow inpatient application
  • Providing Epic (willow inpatient) training to pharmacy colleagues
  • Supporting the implementation, upgrades and trouble-shooting of pharmacy department technologies
  • Coordinating maintenance of computers, printers and interfaces between our systems
  • Collaborate with Mass General Brigham IS on hospital infrastructure initiatives
  • Provide 24-hour, on-call support

Our Team

Jackie Gagnon, PharmD, BCPS
Director, Medication Use Safety, Compliance, & Informatics

Julie Connolly, RPh, MS
Assistant Director, Pharmacy Information

Tanya John, PharmD
Clinical Coordinator, Medication Safety

Kristin Tuiskula, PharmD
Clinical Coordinator, Medication Safety

Francesca Mernick, PharmD, BCPS
Clinical Coordinator, Drug Policy

Sneha Shah, PharmD, BCPS
Clinical Coordinator, Drug Policy

Clinical Trials Pharmacy

The Clinical Trials Pharmacy (CTP) supports over 700 ongoing clinical trials with representation from all major medical specialties. Organized into two main subunits of oncology and non-oncology, the CTP offers pharmaceutical services and guidance to support research activities for all research groups and investigators engaged in the conduct of human studies research. The CTP ensures the delivery of high-quality pharmaceutical care by adhering to all laws and regulations while minimizing the risks associated with participation in an investigational drug trial.

Our Team

Nitasha Sanil, RPh, MS, DPLA
Assistant Director, Clinical Trials

Cheryl Reilly-Trembley, RPh
Coordinator, Clinical Trials

Elke Backman, PharmD, BCPS
Coordinator, Oncology Clinical Trials

Quality, Compliance and Regulatory Affairs

The Quality, Compliance and Regulatory Affairs (QCRA) team oversees the Pharmacy Department and organization’s medication-use quality, compliance and regulatory policies and procedures relating to national and state agencies as well as The Joint Commission. The team facilitates the development, implementation and maintenance of a system that promotes desirable patient outcomes through standardization of processes and implementation of strategic plans, best practices, cost savings initiatives and patient safety strategies.

The QCRA team develops new and revises current medication use and administration-related policies, protocols and guidelines through Pharmacy and Therapeutics Safety Committee – Policy and Compliance Subcommittee and leads the Pharmacy Policy Committee to ensure Pharmacy Department specific policies remain up to date and relevant to current practice. Developing plans and policies and working alongside Managers of Records to ensure compliance with USP 800, USP 797, USP 795 and state regulations is a priority for the QCRA team.

Additionally, this team completed Medication Management Audits at Mass General locations that store medications on a quarterly basis, ensuring compliance with quality standards and Mass General policies; then developing and facilitating process improvement initiatives based on trends and areas of opportunity.

Our Team

Jackie Gagnon, PharmD, BCPS
Director, Medication Use Safety, Compliance, & Informatics

Paul Baker, PharmD, BCSCP
Assistant Director, Quality, Compliance and Regulatory Affairs

Mallory Wolman, PharmD
Coordinator, Compounding Quality and Compliance

Nidhi D. Shelat, PharmD, BCPS
Coordinator, Medication Management Quality and Compliance

Hari Koirala, CPhT, MS
Quality and Compliance Technician Specialist

Allison Currens, CPhT
Quality and Compliance Technician Specialist

Yeuk Yin Lee, CPhT
Quality and Compliance Technician Specialist

Controlled Substances Surveillance

The foundation of the Controlled Substance Surveillance program is based on the collaboration amongst the departments of Anesthesia, Nursing, Pharmacy and Police and Security to develop and maintain safe controlled substance practices, including a strong surveillance and compliance program. This is accomplished through teamwork, ongoing education and training that complies with federal and local regulations concerning controlled substances.

Our Team

Michelle McCrea, RPh
Assistant Director, Controlled Substance Surveillance