About the Fellowship

The Medical Microbiology Fellowship at Mass General, a one-year, ACGME-approved program, provides advance training to prepare pathologists and infectious disease specialists to serve as directors of a clinical microbiology laboratory. Our graduates possess an in-depth understanding of medical microbiology, including the selection, validation, and interpretation of diagnostic microbiology tests. Our trainees will also be capable of managing a high volume, complex diagnostic laboratory. To these ends, the program will provide a comprehensive curriculum consisting of didactics, rotation through all sections of the clinical microbiology laboratory as well as rotations with various clinical services to gain an understanding of how testing in the microbiology laboratory informs clinical decision making. Particular emphasis will be placed on laboratory operation and management. Graduates of this program may choose to develop an area of research in microbiology that will prepare them for a career as a laboratory director at an academic health center.


Fellows in Medical Microbiology must complete either:

1. Residency training in anatomic, clinical, or combined anatomic/clinical pathology in a U.S. based training program, with primary certification or eligibility by the American Board of Pathology


2. A U.S. primary residence in Internal Medicine or Pediatrics followed by completion of an ACGME accredited fellowship in Infectious Diseases

Applicants must be eligible for a Massachusetts medical license


Goals and Objectives

The Mass General Pathology Service medical microbiology fellowship goals are to:

  • Gain the knowledge and skills specifically required to direct a high volume, complex diagnostic laboratory
  • Provide a comprehensive curriculum consisting of didactics, weekly conferences, and in-depth rotations through all sections of the clinical microbiology laboratory
  • Understand disease processes, selection of tests, and interpretation of results

Structure of the Program

The medical microbiology fellowship curriculum is designed to be completed within 12 months.

The following table shows a sample curriculum for the clinical year:


12 weeks 

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing

12 weeks 

Molecular Microbiology/Virology

4 weeks


9 weeks

Infectious Disease Consultation

4 weeks if Pathology-trained

Infection Control

48 weeks (longitudinal)

How to Apply

The submission window for AY 2025-2026 applications has closed. We are now accepting applications for the 2026-2027 academic year. The deadline for submission is January 3, 2025.

Applicants should send the following materials to both the Program Coordinator (jbeckerdite@bwh.harvard.edu) and Administrative Assistant (rfeathers@mgh.harvard.edu):

  • a completed CAP standardized Application for Pathology Fellowships
  • a current CV
  • a one-page personal statement concerning their interest in Medical Microbiology
  • a USMLE transcript
  • three (3) letters of reference