Women's Sports Medicine Program: Research
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*Mass General Women's Sports Medicine Program experts bolded
Tanaka MJ, Sodhi A, WadhavkarI, Kane K, Velasquez Hammerle MV, Mangudi Varadarajan K, Tornetta P.
2023: Redefining Trochlear Dysplasia: Normal Thresholds Vary by Measurement Technique, Landmarks, and Sex
O'Sullivan L, Preszler J, Tanaka MJ.
2022: Hamstring Injury Rehabilitation and Prevention in the Female Athlete
Rudisill SS, Eberlin CT, Kucharik MP, Linker JA, Naessig SA, Best MJ, Martin SD.
2022: Sex differences in utilization and perioperative outcomes of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
Lampros RE, Wiater AL, Tanaka MJ.
2022: Rehabilitation and Return to Sport After Medial Patellofemoral Complex Reconstruction
BJ Petek, SK Gustus, TW Churchill, JS Guseh, G Loomer, C VanAtta, AL Baggish, MM Wasfy.
2022: Sex-Based Differences in Peak Exercise Blood Pressure Indexed to Oxygen Consumption Among Competitive Athletes
Lampros RE, Sprague I.
2021: Return to Sport Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Women's Lacrosse
McInnis KC.
2021: Editorial Commentary: Hamstrung: Do Sex Differences in Hamstring Injury Profile Necessitate a Different Approach to Rehabilitation and Prevention Programs in Female Athletes?
Kantaros E, Borgstrom H.
2021: Sex-Specific Differences in Perceived Injury Management and Prevention in High School Student-Athletes
Tanaka MJ, Forman JM, Otwell AG, Frischmann LD, Jones LC, Szymanski LM.
2021: Characterization of knee dysfunction and related risk factors during pregnancy
Gianakos AL, Ivander A, DiGiovanni CW, Kennedy JG.
2021: Outcomes After Arthroscopic Surgery for Anterior Impingement in the Ankle Joint in the General and Athletic Populations: Does Sex Play a Role?
Tanaka MJ, LiBrizzi CL, Rivenburgh DW, Jones LC.
2020: Changes in U.S. girls' participation in high school sports: implications for injury awareness
Churchill TW, Petek BJ, Wasfy MM, Guseh JS, Weiner RB, Singh TK, Schmied C, O'Malley H, Chiampas G, Baggish AL.
2020: Cardiac Structure and Function in Elite Female and Male Soccer Players
Gianakos AL, George N, Merklein M, Chambers L, Ferkel R, DiGiovanni C, Kennedy JG.
2020: Foot and Ankle Related Sex-Specific Analysis Within High-Impact Journals
Waryasz GR, Gil JA, Chiou D, Ferreira K, Eberson CP.
2020: Investigation of the Injury Rate of Female Fitness Competitors
Cunningham ML, Szabo M, Rodgers RF, Franko DL, Eddy KT, Thomas JJ, Murray SB, Griffiths S.
2020: An investigation of distress tolerance and difficulties in emotion regulation in the drive for muscularity among women
Churchill TW, Groezinger E, Loomer G, Guseh JS, Weiner RB, Wasfy MM, Levine BD, Baggish AL.
2020: Training-Associated Changes in Ventricular Volumes and Function in Elite Female Runners
Tanaka MJ, Jones LC, Forman JM.
2020: Awareness of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury-Preventive Training Programs Among Female Collegiate Athletes
Linderman SE, Scarborough DM, Oh LS.
2020: The Relationship of Shoulder and Elbow Stresses and Upper Limb Contact Order During a Round-Off Back Handspring
Ackerman KE, Singhal V, Slattery M, Eddy KT, Bouxsein ML, Lee H, Klibanski A, Misra M.
2019: Effects of Estrogen Replacement on Bone Geometry and Microarchitecture in Adolescent and Young Adult Oligoamenorrheic Athletes: A Randomized Trial
Cunningham ML, Szabo M, Kambanis PE, Murray SB, Thomas JJ, Eddy KT, Franko DL, Griffiths S.
2019: Negative psychological correlates of the pursuit of muscularity among women
West AM, Scarborough DM, McInnis KC, Oh LS.
2019: Strength and Motion in the Shoulder, Elbow, and Hip in Softball Windmill Pitchers
Scarborough DM, Linderman SE, Cohen VA, Berkson EM, Eckert MM, Oh LS.
2019: Neuromuscular Control of Vertical Jumps in Female Adolescents
Scarborough DM, McCunney RC, Berkson EM, Oh LS.
2019: The relationship of elbow alignment and kinematics on shoulder torque during the softball pitch: a biomechanical analysis of female softball pitchers
Ackerman KE, Singhal V, Baskaran C, Slattery M, Campoverde Reyes KJ, Toth A, Eddy KT, Bouxsein ML, Lee H, Klibanski A, Misra M.
2019: Oestrogen replacement improves bone mineral density in oligo-amenorrhoeic athletes: a randomised clinical trial
Tanaka MJ, Szymanski LM, Dale JL, Dixit S, Jones LC.
2019: Team Approach: Treatment of Injuries in the Female Athlete: Multidisciplinary Considerations for Women's Sports Medicine Programs
Tanaka MJ
2019: Current topics in women’s sports medicine: evaluation and treatment of the female athlete
West AM, McInnis KC.
2018: Unusual Iliac Crest Stress Fracture in a Marathoner: A Case Presentation
Carter CW, Ireland ML, Johnson AE, Levine WN, Martin S, Bedi A, Matzkin EG.
2018: Sex-based Differences in Common Sports Injuries
Gans I, Retzky JS, Jones LC, Tanaka MJ.
2018: Epidemiology of Recurrent Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Sports: The Injury Surveillance Program, 2004-2014
Baskaran C, Cunningham B, Plessow F, Singhal V, Woolley R, Ackerman KE, Slattery M, Lee H, Lawson EA, Eddy K, Misra M.
2017: Estrogen Replacement Improves Verbal Memory and Executive Control in Oligomenorrheic/Amenorrheic Athletes in a Randomized Controlled Trial
2017: Miller EK, Tanaka MJ, LaPorte DM, Humbyrd CJ.
Pregnancy-Related Ligamentous Laxity Mimicking Dynamic Scapholunate Instability: A Case Report
West AM, Scarborough DM, McInnis KC, Oh LS.
2016: Softball Windmill Pitchers: Strength and Motion in the Dominant Versus Non-Dominant Upper and Lower Extremity
Curry EJ, Logan C, Ackerman K, McInnis KC, Matzkin EG.
2015: Female Athlete Triad Awareness Among Multispecialty Physicians
Singhal V, Maffazioli GD, Cano Sokoloff N, Ackerman KE, Lee H, Gupta N, Clarke H, Slattery M, Bredella MA, Misra M
2015: Regional fat depots and their relationship to bone density and microarchitecture in young oligo-amenorrheic athletes
Cano Sokoloff N, Eguiguren ML, Wargo K, Ackerman KE, Baskaran C, Singhal V, Clarke H, Slattery M, Lee H, Eddy KT, Misra M.
2015: Bone parameters in relation to attitudes and feelings associated with disordered eating in oligo-amenorrheic athletes, eumenorrheic athletes, and nonathletes
Mitchell DM, Tuck P, Ackerman KE, Cano Sokoloff N, Woolley R, Slattery M, Lee H, Bouxsein ML, Misra M.
2015: Altered trabecular bone morphology in adolescent and young adult athletes with menstrual dysfunction
Ackerman KE, Cano Sokoloff N, DE Nardo Maffazioli G, Clarke HM, Lee H, Misra M.
2015: Fractures in Relation to Menstrual Status and Bone Parameters in Young Athletes
Singhal V, de Lourdes Eguiguren M, Eisenbach L, Clarke H, Slattery M, Eddy K, Ackerman KE, Misra M.
2014: Body composition, hemodynamic, and biochemical parameters of young female normal-weight oligo-amenorrheic and eumenorrheic athletes and nonathletes
Tears of the ACL are 4-8x more likely to occur in females than males.
Differences in movement patterns and muscle weaknesses can cause females to be at greater risk for injury.
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We aim to lead the advancement of women’s sports and exercise medicine through multidisciplinary expert clinical care, research and education.