Adult Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship

Contact Information
Christopher Melnic, MD
Director, Adult Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
55 Fruit Street
Yawkey Center for Outpatient Care, Suite 3B
Phone: 617-726-8575
Explore the Adult Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship
Fellowship Overview
Fellows participate in an educational program based at Massachusetts General Hospital and work with seven different surgeons both in the outpatient and inpatient setting. Fellows work very closely with different attending surgeons during operative treatment. There are 5 fellowship positions per year.
Highlights of the educational program include a daily 6:45 am Conference where we review surgical indications, techniques, complications and new technologies. There are also lectures from various faculty members. Research activities are reviewed on a weekly basis and there is dedicated time during the Fellowship to work on research projects. Fellows are given the opportunity to attend research conferences and fellow courses throughout the year.
AAHKS Fellowship Recognition

In June 2024, the Adult Reconstructive Fellowship at Mass General was given an inaugural recognition designation from the American Association of Hip & Knee Surgeons. This is the first year the AAHKS has awarded this designation, and Mass General is one of only a handful of institutions to receive it. The recognition was based on case volume, revision volume, didactic schedule, research performed by the fellows, etc.
From the AAHKS, "By being among the first to achieve AAHKS Recognition, your program demonstrates its dedication to a common set of standards and shared goal of ensuring that adult reconstruction training programs are structured with solid foundation on education."
Potential Fellows must be graduates of a US Residency Programs and be Board Eligible. Fellows must have outstanding recommendations and history of clinical and educational excellence.
This fellowship participates in the national matching program.
Fellows participate in our daily 6:45 AM conference series where there are presentations and didactic lectures from experts in basic science, anatomy, radiology and core concepts in arthroplasty. We also review pertinent clinical topics in our Journal Club. Multiple cadaver labs are hosted over the course of the year for fellow education.
Clinical Experience
Fellows must complete twelve months of clinical work that includes surgical care and outpatient activity. There are five 10-week rotations. Case experience includes anterior and posterior total hip arthroplasty, manual and robotic primary arthroplasty, unicompartmental arthroplasty and a variety of complex revision and conversion arthroplasty cases. Fellows may opt to participate in paid level 2 trauma call.
Research Experience
Although there is emphasis on skills useful for today's challenges in reconstructive surgery, a critical component of the fellowship is development of future techniques and clinical practices. Fellows are given the opportunity to work on various clinical and/or biomechanical studies within the department, aided by research fellows, the Harris Lab, and the biomechanics lab. Fellows are required to complete 2 research projects by the end of their fellowship.
How to Apply
Please mail inquiries and letters of support to:
Christopher Melnic, MD
Director, Adult Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship Program
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Mailcode YAW 3700
55 Fruit Street
Boston, MA 02114
Telephone: (617) 726-8575
Fax: (617) 724-0718
This fellowship participates in the national matching program.
Our Faculty
- Hip & Knee Replacement Orthopaedic Surgeon
- Member of the Faculty, Harvard Medical School
- Chief, Hip and Knee Replacement Service
- Medical Director, Kaplan Joint Center at NWH
- Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School
- Hip & Knee Replacement Orthopedic Surgeon
- Member of the Faculty, Harvard Medical School
- Hip and Knee Replacement Orthopaedic Surgeon
- Director, Adult Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship Program
- Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School
- Hip and Knee Replacement Orthopaedic Surgeon
- Clinical Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Current Fellows
Michael Booth, MD
- Residency: West Virginia University
- Medical School: SUNY Upstate Medical University
Michael Meghpara, MD
- Residency: Thomas Jefferson University
- Medical School: Tufts University
Adam Murrietta, MD
- Residency: Stanford University
- Medical School: University of Southern California
Shian “Mimi” Peterson, MD
- Residency: Naval Medical Center San Diego
- Medical School: New York University
Aman Sharma, MD
- Residency: Emory University
- Medical School: Wake Forest