
The Massachusetts General Hospital Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry (OMFS) Center for Applied Clinical Investigation (CACI) was established in 2000 as both a research center and a center for training academic oral surgeons in clinical investigation. The center is dedicated to understanding the variables that contribute to manageable risks and complications and to guiding oral and maxillofacial surgeons to the best outcomes based on scientific evidence.

The Clinical Investigation Model was developed as a research program designed to provide a clinical complement to basic science research across the oral and maxillofacial surgery domain. Literature worldwide is monitored, and we work to initiate and support research in emerging and under-studied disciplines. The goal is to expand the literature to promote evidence-based clinical practice and improved outcomes in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Hypothesis-driven research questions are created rigorous, sound scientific studies are designed to contribute concrete findings and outcomes that promote evidence-based clinical practice.


Candidates for the fellowship should be board-certified, board-eligible or, for international candidates, possess an equivalent recognizable certification in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Fellows must be sponsored and supported by their home institution, including obtaining a letter of intent for ongoing employment in an academic position for a minimum period of two years upon completion of the Fellowship program. This program is designed for emerging residents and junior faculty who are committed to an ongoing academic career in clinical investigation in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

In some cases, the fellowship structure may be modified to fit the specific needs of an exceptional candidate or integrated with undergraduate dental training. Candidates should be seeking a career path in academic oral and maxillofacial surgery.

Expected Outcomes

The fellow will undergo periodic evaluation to assess compliance with minimum acceptable standards of performance in the progress of the key research program and the agreed upon academic curriculum. In addition, the 2011-12 Fellow will meet the following milestones:

  • Complete application to HSPH Clinical Effectiveness Program or degree program
  • Complete with satisfactory performance a minimum of six (6) courses from the Mass General Clinical Research Program
  • Demonstrate proficiency in study design, data collection, and analysis as a key investigator on a Mass General-based research project
  • Submit an abstract based on research performed during the Fellowship to the IADR, AAOMS, a major national OMFS scientific meeting in the fellow's home country, or other major scientific meeting with permission from the fellowship program director
  • Submit at least one manuscript for publication based on research performed during the Fellowship
  • Write a proposal and complete data collection for a second project
  • Prepare a proposal for one future project that will be developed and refined during the Clinical Effectiveness Program and pursued after the fellowship at the fellow's home institution
  • Gain acceptance to and complete satisfactorily the chosen HSPH program

Research Positions

The CACI Fellowship in Clinical Investigation is an opportunity for oral and maxillofacial surgeons to work at Mass General with CACI mentors on a course of independent clinical research in a focused area. Fellows spend two years at Mass General and their research may be integrated with a related graduate study at Harvard School of Public Health or Harvard Medical School may be combined with a master’s in Public Health. Upon completion of the CACI Fellowship in Clinical Investigation, most fellows will have achieved the academic credentials necessary for a junior faculty appointment at an accredited hospital – or university-based oral and maxillofacial surgery program.


Didactic (classroom) work is a major component of the Fellowship in Clinical Investigation. Through formal educational offerings, the Fellow will achieve a solid background in process and analytical methodology required to conduct sound scientific work.

The fellow may choose between two tracks: 1) one-year with Mass General certificate, or 2) two-year with Mass General certificate and HSPH degree. In the case of Fellows choosing the two-year option, research projects may be expanded to run concurrently with the degree program.

In addition, Fellows may take advantage of course offerings from the Mass General Clinical Research Program. These include (subject to change and availability):

  • Study design
  • Principles of ethical research
  • Biostatistics
  • Data management
  • Genetics for patient-oriented researchers
  • IRB issues
  • Tools for electronic data capture
  • Design and conduct of clinical trials
  • Grant writing
  • Scientific writing
  • Fellows will be expected to demonstrate satisfactory completion of all courses taken.

Clinical Experience

Opportunities for part-time clinical work are dependent upon the candidate's citizenship and licensing status.

Research Experience

The primary activity of the fellow will be the participation in patient-oriented research, including taking a primary operational role in at least one major Mass General-based research project through the term of the Fellowship. Topics for research projects vary from year to year. The fellow will be assigned a topic based on clinical interest, application to the home institution, and Mass General resources. Current opportunities (subject to change) include potential work in the following clinical areas:

  • Outcomes of patients treated at Mass General for bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws
  • Outcomes following management of maxillofacial trauma as a risk factor for cervical spine injuries
  • Implants and implant survival
  • Medical management of giant cell tumors

How to Apply

Qualified applications should submit the following:

  • Letter of intent specifying the candidate’s interest in ongoing clinical research
  • Current CV indicating professional degrees, credentials, and experience
  • Letter of sponsorship from home institution indicating the degree of financial support and a commitment to a faculty position for a minimum of 2 years upon completion of the Fellowship
  • Two (2) additional letters of recommendation
  • A photocopy of your passport
  • Written verification of extramural funding or financial support

Send all application materials to:

Center for Applied Clinical Investigation
Massachusetts General Hospital
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry (OMFS)
55 Fruit Street, Warren 1201
Boston, MA 02114