About Theresa Gallivan, RN, MS, NEA-BC

Theresa Gallivan RN, MS, NEA-BC, is Associate Chief Nurse for Medicine and Heart Center Nursing at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Theresa oversees and collaborates with nursing directors, their respective clinical nurse specialists, nursing practice specialists, and staff across clinical disciplines with a scope of more than 20 clinical settings and 1300 nursing FTEs.

Her primary areas of expertise are leadership development, interdisciplinary planning and coordination, emergency management, continuous improvement and process design, healthcare facility planning, patient and family-focused care, and building professional practice environments.

Theresa has been recognized with the MGH Board of Trustees Nathaniel Bowditch Award for leadership, the Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses (MARN) Mary A. Manning Nurse Mentoring Award, Boston Business Journal’s Champions in Healthcare Award, the MGH Department of Medicine Nursing Leadership Award, as well as numerous Mass General Brigham in Excellence Awards.

