Herscot Center for Tuberous Sclerosis
Appointments & Referrals

New to Mass General Neurology?
If you have not previously seen a doctor at Mass General Neurology, contact us to get a patient ID number and find a doctor.
Already a Herscot Center for TSC patient? Visit Patient Gateway.
Contact your provider directly or use Patient Gateway to communicate with your care team and manage your appointments.
Referring Providers
Call the Mass General Neurology referral office at 617-724-6387 or refer your patient online.
Online Second Opinions
Get a second opinion from a Mass General specialist without the need to travel to Boston.
Appointment Resources
Find a Care Provider
View a list of neurologists at Mass General.
Billing, Insurance & Financial Assistance
Learn about our billing and insurance policies and Mass General’s financial assistance options.
International Patients
Learn why thousands of international patients from more than 120 countries choose Mass General.
Patient Gateway
Check upcoming appointments, communicate with your care team, review medications and pay medical bills.
Support the Herscot Center for TSC
Philanthropic support for the Mass General Tuberous Sclerosis Complex service is critical to patient care, research, and education. Your donations help to elicit the greatest potential from the department’s superb team and fuel the research that will result in better treatment and ultimately, cures for neurological disorders.