A CurePSP Center of Care

The Mass General Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) Clinic, directed by Dr. Anne-Marie Wills, provides multidisciplinary care by physicians and therapists who are highly trained in the diagnosis and treatment of PSP. We are dedicated to PSP clinical care and to researching new treatments for this disease. 

Mass General has been designated a CurePSP Center of Care by the CurePSP Foundation, the leading foundation for PSP research and care.

What to Expect During Your Visit

One of our PSP expert Neurologists will meet with you and your family to help to make or confirm your diagnosis. This may involve brain imaging (MRI, PET), laboratory tests and a lumbar puncture to rule out other conditions. After you have seen your Neurologist, you may be seen by other providers who specialize in multidisciplinary PSP care including:

  • A Neuro-Ophthalmologist who can see and evaluate your vision problems, including (if needed) prescribing prisms, performing botulinum toxin injections.
  • A Physical Therapist who can evaluate and treat you to optimize your mobility, physical activity, and safety.
  • A Speech Therapist who can evaluate you and provide recommendations and treatment if the PSP is affecting your speech or swallowing.
  • A Social Worker who can answer your questions and provide counseling about goals of care, lifestyle transitions, support groups, help at home, and caregiver stress.

Research Opportunities

Our team of physicians is actively involved in research to better understand the causes of PSP and to identify new treatments. As a patient, you may have the opportunity to volunteer for clinical research when you come to your appointment. Clinical research can include:

  • Observational studies which use clinical measures, biomarkers, and imaging studies to follow the course of PSP. You may be asked to participate in one of these studies as part of your clinic visit.
  • Clinical trials for new investigational drugs: our physicians are involved in research studies to move treatments forward for PSP.

If you are interested in volunteering for research, please discuss with your doctor when you come to your visit, or email our research coordinator at MGHPSP@partners.org.

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Multidisciplinary Care Providers