Neurointestinal Health Treatments and Clinical Care
Center for Neurointestinal Health
The Center for Neurointestinal Health at Massachusetts General Hospital combines robust scientific investigation with advanced diagnostic and therapeutic care.
The Center for Neurointestinal Health at Massachusetts General Hospital provides world-class clinical care for patients with neurointestinal disorders.

The Center for Neurointestinal Disorders at Massachusetts General Hospital is the premier provider of state-of-the art clinical care for patients with neurologic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. We provide comprehensive testing and treatment for adult and pediatric patients, including:
GI Motility Laboratory
- Esophageal manometry: high resolution and impedance
- Esophageal catheter pH testing: pH and impedance
- Esophageal pH wireless capsule (Bravo)
- Wireless motility capsule (Smartpill)
- Atroduodenal manometry
- Colonic manometry
- Anorectal manometry: High resolution and 3D
- Barium swallow: Tablet and achalasia monitoring
- Gastric emptying scintigraphy 4-hour
- UGI Series/small bowel follow-through
- Barium enema
- Defecography
- Sitz marker colonic transit studies
- G and J tube placement and evaluation
Psychological Treatment
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Behaviorial therapy for fecal incontinence in children
- Diaphragmatic breathing for rumination/belching
Physical Therapy
- Pelvic floor for fecal incontinence and constipation
Stoma Care
Dietary Therapy
- Nutritionist
- Gluten sensitivity
- Gastroparesis
Surgical Options
- Fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Linx procedure for GERD
- Esophagogastric myotomy for esophageal achalasia
- Esophagectomy for non-malignant esophageal disorders
- Intestinal resection
- Intestinal diversion, including ileostomy or colostomy
- Antegrade colonic enemas:
- Cecostomy
- Appendicostomy
- Pull-through procedures for Hirschsprung disease
- Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM procedure) for achalasia
- Full thickness GI lumen biopsies
- Pelvic floor repair: rectocele
- Sacral nerve stimulation for fecal incontinence
Endoscopic Therapies
Botox Injections
- To lower esophageal sphincter for esophageal achalasia
- To anal sphincters or pelvic floor for outlet obstruction
Esophageal Dilation
- Pneumatic dilation for achalasia
- Esophageal strictures, rings, webs, eosinophilic esophagitis
53 Researchers
53 Mass General Investigators Named Highly Cited Researchers of 2023
According to Clarivate Analytics’ Highly Cited Researchers Report