Palliative Care & Geriatric Medicine
Appointments & Referrals

New to Palliative Care & Geriatric Medicine?
Call us at 617-724-9700 to request an appointment with Palliative Care or call us at 617-726-4600 to request an appointment with Geriatric Medicine.
Already a Palliative Care & Geriatric Medicine Patient? Visit Patient Gateway
Contact your provider directly or use Patient Gateway to communicate with your care team and manage your appointments.
Referring Providers
Call us at 617-724-4000 to refer your patient to our outpatient Palliative Care clinic. Call us at 617-726-4600 to refer your patient to Geriatric Medicine.
Online Second Opinions
Get a second opinion from a Mass General specialist without the need to travel to Boston.
Appointment Resources
Find a Provider
View a list of health care providers and find contact information.
Find a Location
Find a location for services at Mass General's main campus and in the surrounding communities.
Billing, Insurance & Financial Assistance
Learn about our billing and insurance policies and Mass General’s financial assistance options.
International Patients
Learn why thousands of international patients from more than 120 countries choose Mass General.
Patient Gateway
Check upcoming appointments, communicate with your care team, review medications and pay medical bills.
Advancing Care Since 1811
Guided by the needs of our patients and their families, Massachusetts General Hospital aims to deliver the very best health care in a safe, compassionate environment; to advance that care through innovative research and education; and to improve the health and well-being of the diverse communities we serve.