About the Lab

Our laboratory is jointly supported by the Nephrology and Endocrinology Divisions of the Department of Medicine. Our laboratory is focused on: 1.) elucidation of a kidney-bone signaling axis that controls systemic phosphate homeostasis, 2.) characterization of other novel kidney anabolic functions that contribute to chronic kidney disease (CKD) pathophysiology, 3.) discovery of CKD biomarkers in well-characterized clinical cohorts, and 4.) multi-omic integration. These studies span epidemiologic applications of metabolomics and proteomics, physiologic investigation in small human cohorts, and mechanistic investigation in model systems.


Kim WD, Deik A, Gonzalez C, Gonzalez ME, Fu F, Ferrari M, Churchhouse CL, Florez JC, Jacobs SBR, Clish CB, Rhee EP. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Desaturation is a Mechanism for Glycolytic NAD+ Recycling. Cell Metab 2019; 29(4):856-870. 

Simic P, Kim WD, Zhou W, Pierce KA, Chang W, Sykes DB, Aziz NB, Elmariah S, Ngo D, Pajevic PD, Govea N, Kestenbaum BR, de Boer IH, Cheng Z, Christov M, Chun J, Leaf DE, Waikar SS, Tager AM, Gerszten RE, Thadhani RI, Clish CB, Jüppner H, Wein MW, Rhee EP. Glycerol-3-phosphate is a FGF23 regulator derived from the injured kidney. J Clin Invest 2020; 130(3):1513-1526. 

Ngo D, Wen D, Gao Y, Keyes MJ, Drury ER, Katz DH, Benson MD, Sinha S, Shen D, Farrell LA, Peterson BD, Friedman DJ, Elmariah S, Young BA, Smith JG, Yang Q, Vasan RS, Larson MG, Correa A, Humphreys BD, Wang TJ, Pollak MR, Wilson JG, Gerszten RE, Rhee EP. Circulating testican-2 is a podocyte-derived marker of kidney health. Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A. 2020;117(40):25026-25035. 

Wen D, Zheng Z, Surapaneni A, Yu B, Zhou L, Zhou W, Xie D, Shou H, Pacheco JA, Kalim S, He J, Hsu CY, Parsa A, Rao P, Sondheimer J, Townsend R, Waikar SS, Rebholz CM, Denburg MR, Kimmel PL, Vasan RS, Clish CB, Coresh J, Feldman HI, Grams ME, Rhee EP; CKD Biomarkers Consortium and the CRIC Study Investigators. Metabolite Profiling of CKD Progression in the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study. JCI Insight 2022; 7(20):e161696. 

Wen D, Zhou L, Zheng Z, Surapaneni A, Ballantyne CM, Hoogeveen RC, Shlipak MG, Waikar SS, Vasan RS, Kimmel PL, Dubin RF, Deo R, Feldman HI, Ganz P, Coresh J, Grams ME, Rhee EP; CKD Biomarkers Consortium. Testican-2 is Associated with Reduced Risk of Incident ESKD. J Am Soc Nephrol 2023; 34(1):122-131. 

Zhou W, Simic P, Zhou IY, Caravan P, Parada XV, Wen D, Washington OL, Shvedova M, Pierce KA, Clish CB, Mannstadt M, Kobayashi Y, Wein MN, Jüppner H, Rhee EP. Kidney glycolysis serves as a mammalian phosphate sensor that maintains phosphate homeostasis. J Clin Invest 2023; 133(8):e164610.