
This year over 50,000 men and women in the U.S. will die from colon cancer. And many could have been saved. When colon cancer is detected early, there is a 90% survival rate. When it's not, that number is less than 50%. Starting at age 50, you should have a colonoscopy at least once every ten years to screen for polyps and cancer. Colon cancer can be beaten. Prevention and early detection are your best weapons.

We offer the most advanced colon cancer screenings and treatments available. Our world-renowned specialists can provide the comprehensive care and peace of mind you'll only find at one of the world's leading hospitals.

Talk to your doctor about scheduling your colorectal cancer screening at Massachusetts General Hospital. Then call (617) 726-2426.

Please visit our doctors page for a list of our gastroenterologists.

Other Options for Colorectal Cancer Screening

Understanding the different CRC screening options, including home-based stool tests and colonoscopy, depends on the individual risk of colon cancer and the patient’s preferences. Patients can explore and compare the benefits, harms, and risks of each option as they make an informed decision about what matters most to them.

The below sheet describes three screening options that are reasonable for most people: schedule a colonoscopy, have a stool-based test, or delay your colonoscopy for a year.

Colorectal Cancer Screening Shared-Decision Worksheet English | Español

Colonoscopy Risks and Benefits

Video: What is Colorectal Cancer? Symptoms, Testing, Prevention