The primary focus of the Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases (CIID) Intravital Microscopy Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital is on the study of immunological processes, such as immune cell migration and cell-cell interactions in lymphoid organs and peripheral tissues, in mouse experimental models.
Facilities & Equipment
The CIID Intravital Microscopy Lab is situated on the 6th floor of Building 149 in the Charlestown Navy Yard. It consists of a microsurgical facility and an adjacent dedicated multiphoton microscopy room.
The multiphoton microscopy system consists of two Spectra-Physics MaiTai HP femtosecond pulsed infrared lasers and a Prairie Technologies Ultima IV upright laser scanning microscope equipped with a 4-channel detection system.
The CIID Intravital Microscopy Lab welcomes opportunities for productive collaborations with members of the Mass General research community.
Getting Started
Contact Dr. Mempel at TMempel@mgh.harvard.edu or 617-724-4596 to gain access to this resource lab.