Dr. Banerji is an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and Clinical Director of the Allergy and Clinical Immunology Unit at MGH. Dr. Banerji is an Allergist and Immunologist with a special interest in drug allergy and angioedema. She has a national reputation as an expert in these fields, with invited talks in both areas at regional, national and international conferences. Dr. Banerji has built a formal drug allergy program in the outpatient allergy clinic at MGH to better manage patients with drug hypersensitivity reactions. She leads the inpatient desensitization program for patients with reactions to chemotherapeutics and monoclonal antibodies. As part of this drug allergy program, she collects standardized data on all patients we evaluate for drug hypersensitivity in order to identify risk factors for true hypersensitivity and improve drug allergy diagnosis with skin testing and challenges. In 2013, Dr. Banerji was invited to participate in an NIH workshop geared towards developing a prioritized research agenda on drug allergy and a summary of this meeting was published in August 2015 in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. As an angioedema expert, Dr Banerji has collaborated with industry on multiple novel agents for hereditary angioedema and has published >50 peer-reviewed manuscripts including national and international guidelines for the management of angioedema. Dr. Banerji has actively participated as an investigator on multiple large clinical trials in hereditary angioedema, several of which were investigator initiated studies and including one study published by the NEJM in 2017 and another in JAMA in 2019 as a first author.