MGH Chelsea Research Program

Explore the Community Research Program
Our Team
See who is on the Community Research Program team.
What We Do
Learn about our monthly roundtable meetings and yearly research day event.
Research at MGH Chelsea
View examples of research projects at the MGH Chelsea HealthCare Center.
MGH Chelsea Advisory Board for Clinical Research
Learn about the Advisory Board for Clinical Research, created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Community Research Week
Our Eighth Annual Community Research Week was held October 2-6, 2023. Our keynote address was given by Dr. Philip Landrigan on “Childhood Lead Poisoning in America: Past Victories & Continuing Dangers.” We invite you to browse our poster sessions below.
See posters
- The All of Us Research Program at MGH Chelsea HealthCare Center and Nationwide (PDF)
- Evaluating a Novel Drug Education and Diversion Program: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice (PDF)
- Mixed-Methods Assessment of Factors Influencing Periconceptional Folic Acid Supplementation, Uptake, and Adherence (PDF)
- Identifying barriers to diabetes medication adherence among Latino adults with type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study (PDF)
- Improving Access to Autism Specialty Care Through a Community Health Worker Specialist: A Quality Improvement Project (PDF)
- Fear of Change in Chelsea: The Effects of New Development on Perceptions of Community Resilience (PDF)
About Us
The Community Research Program at MGH Chelsea began in May 2013 with the first meeting of the MGH Chelsea Research Roundtable.
The Research Roundtable was initially supported by the Speech, Language & Swallowing Disorders and Reading Disabilities Department, and then by the MGH Division of Clinical Research and MGH Chelsea Administration. It is now also supported by the MGH Division of General Internal Medicine (DGIM) and the MGH Chelsea Department of Behavioral Health.Why Community-based Research?
Inclusive and collaborative research results from partnerships with stakeholders. When the formation of research questions, analysis and enrollment occurs in partnership with communities of interest, study results are more likely to be relevant to the community and promote development of solutions that address community-identified problems. Results are also more likely to be disseminated back to the communities.
Increasing awareness around community-based research is crucial as it allows community members to receive training and opportunities to collaborate with interdisciplinary research teams in order to study topics of direct importance to the community. The results of these studies directly affect the lives of the participants and can potentially improve the lives of other community members as well.
Mission Statement and Research Priorities
The Community Research Program at MGH Chelsea HealthCare Center supports research across the lifespan. We emphasize interdisciplinary and community collaborations that target health disparities, advance clinical practice and improve the well-being of our patients and their communities.
Research priority areas originate from the mission statement and are priorities generated from the research community. They are:
- Health disparities
- Practice transformation, health care redesign and digital health
- Health prevention and promotion
- Community interventions
- Community-based participatory research
- Child development
- Mental health and substance use
Additional Resources
- Explore upcoming courses available through Mass General’s Division of Clinical Research
- Find a researcher at Mass General
- Download past abstract books (PDF files) from MGH Chelsea Community Research Day: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020
Contact Us
To contact us, please reach out via our general email. We look forward to hearing from you.