Endowed Chairs and Professorships
The Mass General Department of Radiology and the Harvard Medical School would like to thank the donors who make our work possible through these endowed chairs and professorships:
Juan M. Taveras Professorship
James A. Brink, MD
Laurence Lamson Robbins Professorship of Radiology
Bruce Rosen, MD, PhD
Thrall Family Professorship in Radiology
Ralph Weissleder, MD, PhD
Reliance Foundation Endowed Chair in Radiology
Sanjay Saini, MD, MS
Manorama and Virender Saini Endowed Chair in Radiology Education
Theresa C. McLoud, MD
Thomas J. Brady, MD Endowed Chair in Radiology
Van Wedeen, MD
Theresa McLoud, MD Endowed Chair in Radiology Education
Pamela Schaefer, MD
Nathaniel M. and Diana S. Alpert Endowed Chair in Radiology
Michael Gee, MD, PhD
Robert A. Novelline, MD, FACR Endowed Chair in Radiology
Laura Avery, MD
Richard Moerschner Endowed MGH Research Institute Chair in Men's Health
Matthias Nahrendorf, MD, PhD
Lurie Family Professor in the Field of Autism Research
Jacob Hooker, PhD
James L. and Elisabeth C. Gamble Endowed Chair in Neuroradiology
Susie Huang, MD, PhD
Women in Radiology
About 30% of our attending radiologists and our trainees are women, which is higher than the national averages in the US.
Radiology CME
The Department of Radiology offers continuing medical education courses that attract participants and industry sponsors from around the world.