Leadership Seminars
CFD - Center for Faculty Development Leadership seminars: Leadership seminars offered by the Center for Faculty Development.
AAMC - Association of American Medical Colleges Leadership Development Programming: Whether you are an executive-level leader, new to a leadership position, or in a role where you want to make a different in your community and profession, the AAMC can help you prepare to lead yourself, your team, and your organization into the future.
Leadership Programs
ELAM - Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine Program for Women: ELAM offers an intensive one-year program of leadership training with extensive coaching, networking and mentoring opportunities aimed at expanding the national pool of qualified women candidates for leadership in academic medicine, dentistry and public health.
HMS/HSDM Leadership Development Course for Physicians and Scientists: Each spring, the Office for Faculty Affairs offers a three-day course for instructors, assistant professors, and associate professors. The curriculum focuses on human resource management, negotiation, finance, self assessment, communications, and personal career development.
Contact Us
The Center for Faculty Development offers consultations and seminars to assist in the career development of faculty and trainees.