Center for the Environment and Health

Connecting Human Health to the Health of the Planet
Climate change and environmental degradation are threats to human health. Through the efforts of the center, Mass General strives to integrate sustainability into its clinical, research and educational activities, and to improve the environmental health of the hospital, as well as the health and well-being of the communities we serve.
Our Commitment to Sustainability
The hospital acknowledges its responsibility to care for our patients without harming our local and global communities.
Our Initiatives
Focus areas relate to the health and welfare of the community, the expansion of medical knowledge through research and the commitment to education about the links between the environment and health.
Our Pillars & History
The center was founded on many years of work and planning within Mass General.
Our Leadership & Network
We are led by physicians, nurses, executives and managers committed to solving health care’s environmental problems and understanding the relationships between environmental decline and health.
Recipient of the 2022 Circles of Excellence Leadership and Climate Awards
Practice Greenhealth's Circle of Excellence Awards honor the highest performing hospitals nationwide in certain areas of sustainability expertise.
Publishing Climate and Health Research, and Greening Research Labs
On the CEH podcast, hear about the environmental impact of research and steps researchers can take to make their research labs more sustainable.
Recipient of the 2022 ELM Commonwealth Environmental Leadership Award
The ELM honored Mass General Brigham for its leadership in integrating climate, equity and health into clinical practice.
News and Announcements
Events and Lectures
Climate change and environmental degradation are known threats to human health.
The mission of the Center for the Environment and Health at Mass General is to integrate sustainability into all aspects of our work in order to improve the environmental health of the hospital, as well as the health and well-being of the diverse communities we serve.