
Most Recent Papers

Performance of the pooled cohort equations and D:A:D risk scores among individuals with HIV in a global cardiovascular disease prevention trial: a cohort study leveraging data from REPRIEVE

Grinspoon SKZanni MV, Triant VA, Kantor A, Umbleja T, Diggs MR, Chu SM, Fitch KV, Currier JS, Bloomfield GS, Casado JL, de la Peña M, Fantry LE, Gardner E, Aberg JA, Malvestutto CD, Fichtenbaum CJ, Lu MT, Ribaudo HJ, Douglas PS. Lancet HIV. 2025 Jan 17:S2352-3018(24)00276-5. doi: 10.1016/S2352-3018(24)00276-5. Online ahead of print.PMID: 39832519


Background: Risk estimation is an essential component of cardiovascular disease prevention among people with HIV. We aimed to characterise how well atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk scores used in clinical guidelines perform among people with HIV globally.

Methods: In this prospective cohort study leveraging REPRIEVE data, we included participants aged 40-75 years, with low-to-moderate traditional cardiovascular risk, not taking statin therapy. REPRIEVE participants were enrolled from sites in 12 countries across Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) regions. We assessed the performance of the pooled cohort equations (PCE) risk score for ASCVD and the data-collection on adverse effects of anti-HIV drugs (D:A:D) risk score. We calculated C statistics, observed-to-expected (OE) event ratios, and Greenwood-Nam-D'Agostino goodness-of-fit (GND) statistics, overall and in subgroups by race, sex, and GBD regions (clustering low-income and middle-income countries and high-income countries). We did a recalibration for PCE risk score among people with HIV in high-income countries. REPRIEVE was registered with, NCT02344290.

Findings: We included 3893 participants, recruited between March 26, 2015, and July 31, 2019. The median age was 50 years (IQR 45-55), with 2684 (69%) male and 1209 (31%) female participants. 1643 (42%) were Black or African American, 1346 (35%) participants were White, 566 (15%) were Asian, and 338 (9%) were recorded as other race. Overall, discrimination of the PCE risk score was moderate (C statistic 0·72 [95% CI 0·68-0·76]) and calibration was good (OE event ratio 1·11; GND p=0·87). However, calibration suggested overprediction of risk in low-income and middle-income countries and corresponding underprediction in high-income countries. When restricted to high-income countries, we found underprediction (OE event ratio >1·0) among women (2·39) and Black or African American participants (1·64). Findings were similar for the D:A:D risk score (C statistic 0·71 [0·65-0·77]; OE event ratio 0·89; p=0·68). Improved calibration of the PCE risk score in high-income countries was achieved by multiplying the original score by 2·8 in Black or African American women, 2·6 in women who were not Black or African American, and 1·25 in Black or African American men.

Interpretation: Among the global cohort of people with HIV in REPRIEVE, the PCE risk score underpredicted cardiovascular events in women and Black or African American men in high-income countries and overpredicted cardiovascular events in low-income and middle-income countries. Underprediction in subgroups should be considered when using the PCE risk score to guide statin prescribing for cardiovascular prevention among people with HIV in high-income countries. Additional research is needed to develop risk scores accurate in predicting ASCVD among people with HIV in low-income and middle-income countries.

Funding: US National Institutes of Health, Kowa Pharmaceuticals America, Gilead Sciences, and ViiV Healthcare.

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Weighing In: Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonism for Persons With HIV

Thomas TS, Srinivasa S. Top Antivir Med. 2024 Dec 23;32(5):579-588. PMID: 39765237 Free PMC article. Review.


Weight gain among persons with HIV PWH) on contemporary antiretroviral therapy (ART) can extend beyond an initial return-to-health phenomenon and lead to overweight/obesity in the first 1 to 2 years, resulting in enhanced cardiometabolic risk. Factors that may contribute to increased weight gain include specific ART regimens (those initiating dolutegravir and tenofovir alafenamide or withdrawing tenofovir disoproxil and efavirenz), women with HIV, and certain virologic factors including lower baseline CD4 count and higher HIV viral load. Weight reduction starting at 5% body weight confers metabolic protection, such as improved hypertension and dysglycemia. Even greater metabolic impact has been shown with weight reduction in the approximate range of 15% body weight, as evidenced by decreases in cardiovascular disease mortality. Effective weight management is essential to reducing cardiometabolic risk, may not be achieved with lifestyle changes alone, and requires other therapeutic strategies. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) are well recognized to provide potent weight reduction among persons with overweight/obesity; in addition, studies have shown cardiovascular benefit among those with established cardiovascular disease. Recent studies have permitted us to begin to understand the potential role of GLP-1 RAs among PWH and overweight/obesity. This review highlights weight gain specific to PWH and discusses current evidence and key clinical considerations for GLP-1 RA use among PWH.

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Meal replacement therapy for obesity and diabetes remission: Efficacy assessment and considerations of barriers and facilitators to adherence among U.S. individuals with low economic resources

Durbin CG, Hutchison A, Colecchi T, Mulligan J, Bodepudi S, Zanni MVAnekwe CV.Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2025 Feb;26(1):113-124. doi: 10.1007/s11154-024-09925-6. Epub 2024 Nov 18.PMID: 39556160 Review.


Individuals in the United States with lower economic resources face a disproportionate burden of obesity and co-morbid conditions. This review summarizes the efficacy of MR programs for the treatment of obesity and diabetes and alerts clinicians to potential barriers and facilitators to the uptake of such programs so they may tailor their prescriptive approach. Implementation of effective behavioral and lifestyle interventions for obesity and diabetes in low-income settings is fraught with barriers and under-studied. The dearth of data on the use of MR programs in populations with low economic resources highlights a key area for future investigation.

Keywords: Diabetes; Low income; Meal replacement; Obesity; Weight loss.

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Proteinuria and albuminuria among a global primary cardiovascular disease prevention cohort of people with HIV

Overton ET, Kantor A, Fitch KV, Mosepele M, Aberg JA, Fichtenbaum CJ, McComsey GA, Malvestutto C, Lu MT, Negredo E, Bernardino J, Hickman AB, Douglas PS, Grinspoon SKZanni M, Ribaudo H, Wyatt C; REPRIEVE Trial Investigators. AIDS. 2025 Jan 1;39(1):31-39. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000004016. Epub 2024 Sep 13.PMID: 39283736 Clinical Trial.


Objectives: To determine baseline prevalence of proteinuria and albuminuria among participants from the Randomized Trial to Prevent Vascular Events in HIV (REPRIEVE) and evaluate associated risk factors.

Design: Cross sectional analysis of a baseline sample of participants from the REPRIEVE Trial.

Methods: REPRIEVE is an international primary cardiovascular prevention randomized controlled trial (RCT) of pitavastatin calcium vs. placebo among people with HIV (PWH) on antiretroviral therapy (ART). A representative subset (2791 participants) had urine collected at study entry. Urine protein to creatinine ratios (uPCR) and albumin to creatinine ratios (uACR) were classified as normal, moderately increased and severely increased. These were dichotomized to Normal or Abnormal for log-binomial regression analysis. Demographic, cardiometabolic, and HIV-specific data were compared among those with normal versus abnormal results.

Results: Overall, median age 49 years, 41% female sex, 47% black or African American race, 36% had estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) less than 90 ml/min/1.73 mm 2 . For uPCR, 27% had moderately or severely increased values. For uACR, 9% had moderately or severely increased values. In the fully adjusted model for proteinuria, female sex, older age, residence in sub-Saharan Africa or East Asia, lower BMI, lower CD4 + cell count, and use of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) were associated with abnormal values. In the fully adjusted model for albuminuria, a diagnosis of hypertension (HTN) was associated with abnormal values.

Conclusion: Abnormal proteinuria and albuminuria remain common (27 and 9%) despite controlled HIV. Lower current CD4 + count and TDF use were strongly associated with proteinuria. Certain modifiable comorbidities, including HTN and smoking, were associated with abnormal values. In PWH with preserved eGFR, urine measures identify subclinical kidney disease and afford the opportunity for intervention.

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Most Cited Publications

Increased acute myocardial infarction rates and cardiovascular risk factors among patients with human immunodeficiency virus disease 

Triant VA, Lee H, Hadigan C, Grinspoon SK. Increased acute myocardial infarction rates and cardiovascular risk factors among patients with human immunodeficiency virus disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jul;92(7):2506-12. doi: 10.1210/jc.2006-2190. Epub 2007 Apr 24. PMID: 17456578; PMCID: PMC2763385.


Context: Metabolic changes and smoking are common among HIV patients and may confer increased cardiovascular risk.

Objective: The aim of the study was to determine acute myocardial infarction (AMI) rates and cardiovascular risk factors in HIV compared with non-HIV patients in two tertiary care hospitals.

Design, setting, and participants: We conducted a health care system-based cohort study using a large data registry with 3,851 HIV and 1,044,589 non-HIV patients. AMI rates were determined among patients receiving longitudinal care between October 1, 1996, and June 30, 2004.

Main outcome measures: The primary outcome was myocardial infarction, identified by International Classification of Diseases coding criteria.

Results: AMI was identified in 189 HIV and 26,142 non-HIV patients. AMI rates per 1000 person-years were increased in HIV vs. non-HIV patients [11.13 (95% confidence interval [CI] 9.58-12.68) vs. 6.98 (95% CI 6.89-7.06)]. The HIV cohort had significantly higher proportions of hypertension (21.2 vs. 15.9%), diabetes (11.5 vs. 6.6%), and dyslipidemia (23.3 vs. 17.6%) than the non-HIV cohort (P < 0.0001 for each comparison). The difference in AMI rates between HIV and non-HIV patients was significant, with a relative risk (RR) of 1.75 (95% CI 1.51-2.02; P < 0.0001), adjusting for age, race, hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia. In stratified models, the unadjusted AMI rates per 1000 person-years were higher for HIV patients among women (12.71 vs. 4.88 for HIV compared with non-HIV women), but not among men (10.48 vs. 11.44 for HIV compared with non-HIV men). The RRs (for HIV vs. non-HIV) were 2.98 (95% CI 2.33-3.75; P < 0.0001) for women and 1.40 (95% CI 1.16-1.67; P = 0.0003) for men, adjusting for age, race, hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia. A limitation of this database is that it contains incomplete data on smoking. Smoking could not be included in the overall regression model, and some of the increased risk may be accounted for by differences in smoking rates.

Conclusions: AMI rates and cardiovascular risk factors were increased in HIV compared with non-HIV patients, particularly among women. Cardiac risk modification strategies are important for the long-term care of HIV patients.

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Adipose-derived circulating miRNAs regulate gene expression in other tissues 

Thomou T, Mori MA, Dreyfuss JM, Konishi M, Sakaguchi M, Wolfrum C, Rao TN, Winnay JN, Garcia-Martin R, Grinspoon SK, Gorden P, Kahn CR. Adipose-derived circulating miRNAs regulate gene expression in other tissues. Nature. 2017 Feb 23;542(7642):450-455. doi: 10.1038/nature21365. Epub 2017 Feb 15. Erratum in: Nature. 2017 May 10;545(7653):252. PMID: 28199304; PMCID: PMC5330251.


Adipose tissue is a major site of energy storage and has a role in the regulation of metabolism through the release of adipokines. Here we show that mice with an adipose-tissue-specific knockout of the microRNA (miRNA)-processing enzyme Dicer (ADicerKO), as well as humans with lipodystrophy, exhibit a substantial decrease in levels of circulating exosomal miRNAs. Transplantation of both white and brown adipose tissue-brown especially-into ADicerKO mice restores the level of numerous circulating miRNAs that are associated with an improvement in glucose tolerance and a reduction in hepatic Fgf21 mRNA and circulating FGF21. This gene regulation can be mimicked by the administration of normal, but not ADicerKO, serum exosomes. Expression of a human-specific miRNA in the brown adipose tissue of one mouse in vivo can also regulate its 3' UTR reporter in the liver of another mouse through serum exosomal transfer. Thus, adipose tissue constitutes an important source of circulating exosomal miRNAs, which can regulate gene expression in distant tissues and thereby serve as a previously undescribed form of adipokine.

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Soluble CD163, a novel marker of activated macrophages, is elevated and associated with noncalcified coronary plaque in HIV-infected patients 

Burdo TH, Lo J, Abbara S, Wei J, DeLelys ME, Preffer F, Rosenberg ES, Williams KC, Grinspoon S. Soluble CD163, a novel marker of activated macrophages, is elevated and associated with noncalcified coronary plaque in HIV-infected patients. J Infect Dis. 2011 Oct 15;204(8):1227-36. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jir520. PMID: 21917896; PMCID: PMC3203384.


Background: Pro-inflammatory monocytes/macrophages may contribute to increased atherosclerosis in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients. We investigate--to our knowledge, for the first time--sCD163 and other markers of monocyte activation in relationship to atherosclerotic plaque in HIV-infected patients.

Methods: One hundred two HIV-infected and 41 HIV-seronegative men with equivalent cardiovascular risk factors and without history of coronary artery disease were prospectively recruited and underwent computed tomography coronary angiography.

Results: sCD163 levels and presence of plaque were significantly higher among antiretroviral-treated subjects with undetectable HIV RNA levels, compared with seronegative controls (1172 ± 646 vs. 883 ± 561 ng/mL [P = .02] for sCD163 and 61% vs. 39% [P = .03] for presence of plaque). After adjusting for age, race, lipids, blood pressure, glucose, smoking, sCD14, and HIV infection, sCD163 remained independently associated with noncalcified plaque (P = .008). Among HIV-infected patients, sCD163 was associated with coronary segments with noncalcified plaque (r = 0.21; P = .04), but not with calcium score. In contrast, markers of generalized inflammation, including C-reactive protein level, and D-dimer were not associated with sCD163 or plaque among HIV-infected patients.

Conclusions: sCD163, a monocyte/macrophage activation marker, is increased in association with noncalcified coronary plaque in men with chronic HIV infection and low or undetectable viremia. These data suggest a potentially important role of chronic monocyte/macrophage activation in the development of noncalcified vulnerable plaque.

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Arterial inflammation in patients with HIV 

Subramanian S, Tawakol A, Burdo TH, Abbara S, Wei J, Vijayakumar J, Corsini E, Abdelbaky A, Zanni MV, Hoffmann U, Williams KC, Lo JGrinspoon SK. Arterial inflammation in patients with HIV. JAMA. 2012 Jul 25;308(4):379-86. doi: 10.1001/jama.2012.6698. PMID: 22820791; PMCID: PMC3724172.


Context: Cardiovascular disease is increased in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), but the specific mechanisms are unknown.

Objective: To assess arterial wall inflammation in HIV, using 18fluorine-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG-PET), in relationship to traditional and nontraditional risk markers, including soluble CD163 (sCD163), a marker of monocyte and macrophage activation.

Design, setting, and participants: A cross-sectional study of 81 participants investigated between November 2009 and July 2011 at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Twenty-seven participants with HIV without known cardiac disease underwent cardiac 18F-FDG-PET for assessment of arterial wall inflammation and coronary computed tomography scanning for coronary artery calcium. The HIV group was compared with 2 separate non-HIV control groups. One control group (n = 27) was matched to the HIV group for age, sex, and Framingham risk score (FRS) and had no known atherosclerotic disease (non-HIV FRS-matched controls). The second control group (n = 27) was matched on sex and selected based on the presence of known atherosclerotic disease (non-HIV atherosclerotic controls).

Main outcome measure: Arterial inflammation was prospectively determined as the ratio of FDG uptake in the arterial wall of the ascending aorta to venous background as the target-to-background ratio (TBR).

Results: Participants with HIV demonstrated well-controlled HIV disease (mean [SD] CD4 cell count, 641 [288] cells/μL; median [interquartile range] HIV-RNA level, <48 [<48 to <48] copies/mL). All were receiving antiretroviral therapy (mean [SD] duration, 12.3 [4.3] years). The mean FRS was low in both HIV and non-HIV FRS-matched control participants (6.4; 95% CI, 4.8-8.0 vs 6.6; 95% CI, 4.9-8.2; P = .87). Arterial inflammation in the aorta (aortic TBR) was higher in the HIV group vs the non-HIV FRS-matched control group (2.23; 95% CI, 2.07-2.40 vs 1.89; 95% CI, 1.80-1.97; P < .001), but was similar compared with the non-HIV atherosclerotic control group (2.23; 95% CI, 2.07-2.40 vs 2.13; 95% CI, 2.03-2.23; P = .29). Aortic TBR remained significantly higher in the HIV group vs the non-HIV FRS-matched control group after adjusting for traditional cardiovascular risk factors (P = .002) and in stratified analyses among participants with undetectable viral load, zero calcium, FRS of less than 10, a low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level of less than 100 mg/dL (<2.59 mmol/L), no statin use, and no smoking (all P ≤ .01). Aortic TBR was associated with sCD163 level (P = .04) but not with C-reactive protein (P = .65) or D-dimer (P = .08) among patients with HIV.

Conclusion: Participants infected with HIV vs noninfected control participants with similar cardiac risk factors had signs of increased arterial inflammation, which was associated with a circulating marker of monocyte and macrophage activation.

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Fracture prevalence among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected versus non-HIV-infected patients in a large U.S. healthcare system 

Triant VA, Brown TT, Lee H, Grinspoon SK. Fracture prevalence among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected versus non-HIV-infected patients in a large U.S. healthcare system. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Sep;93(9):3499-504. doi: 10.1210/jc.2008-0828. Epub 2008 Jul 1. PMID: 18593764; PMCID: PMC2567857.


Context: Reduced bone mineral density has been demonstrated among HIV-infected patients, but fracture prevalence is unknown.

Objective: The objective of the study was to compare fracture prevalence in HIV-infected and non-HIV-infected patients.

Design: This was a population-based study.

Setting: The study was conducted at a large U.S. health care system.

Patients: A total of 8525 HIV-infected and 2,208,792 non-HIV-infected patients with at least one inpatient or outpatient encounter between October 1, 1996, and March 21, 2008, was compared.

Main outcome measure: Fracture prevalence using specific International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification fracture codes was measured.

Results: The overall fracture prevalence was 2.87 vs. 1.77 patients with fractures per 100 persons in HIV-infected, compared with non-HIV-infected patients (P < 0.0001). Among females, the overall fracture prevalence was 2.49 vs. 1.72 per 100 persons in HIV-infected vs. non-HIV-infected patients (P = 0.002). HIV-infected females had a higher prevalence of vertebral (0.81 vs. 0.45; P = 0.01) and wrist (1.31 vs. 0.83; P = 0.01) fractures per 100 persons, compared with non-HIV-infected females but had a similar prevalence of hip fractures (0.47 vs. 0.56; P = 0.53). Among males, the fracture prevalence per 100 persons was higher in HIV-infected vs. non-HIV-infected patients for any fracture (3.08 vs. 1.83; P < 0.0001), vertebral fractures (1.03 vs. 0.49; P < 0.0001), hip fractures (0.79 vs. 0.45; P = 0.001), and wrist fractures (1.46 vs. 0.99; P = 0.001). Fracture prevalence was higher relative to non-HIV-infected patients among African-American and Caucasian females and Caucasian males.

Conclusions: Fracture prevalence is increased in HIV-infected compared with non-HIV-infected patients.

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GHRH or analogues thereof for use in treatment of hepatic disease

Patent Number: 10,799,562


The present application relates to novel methods for preventing, slowing the progression of, or treating nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL), nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and/or liver fibrosis, and/or reducing the risks of liver cancer in subjects, such as HIV-infected subjects, using a GHRH molecule, e.g., trans-3-hexenoyl-GHRH.sub.(1-44)-NH.sub.2, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. The subjects may have particular pathological features such as liver fibrosis, a hepatic fat fraction (HFF) of at least about 10%, serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels of at least about 30 U/L, and/or a NAFLD Activity Score (NAS) of at least 4 or 5.

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