Division of Clinical Research
Who We Are
Department of Emergency Medicine staff members conduct multidisciplinary research spanning the breadth of emergency medicine, including cardiovascular, neurological, infectious and respiratory emergencies.

The Department of Emergency Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital is home to many ongoing research projects sponsored by federal, foundation, and industry grants and contracts.
The Division of Clinical Research in Emergency Medicine has a state-of-the-art, 800-square-foot clinical research laboratory equipped with eight work stations, a minus 80 degree freezer, a refrigerated centrifuge, and extensive filing capacity.
Our researchers collaborate with other Mass General and Harvard Medical School divisions and departments, as well as other local institutions such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Harvard School of Public Health; they also participate in several regional, national and international collaborations.
Areas of research include studies on cardiovascular, neurologic, pulmonary, infectious, mental health and traumatic emergencies.
2020 Research Inventory
Faculty Publication List (PDF): January-March, 2020
2019 Research Inventory
Faculty Publication List (PDF): October-December, 2019
Faculty Publication List (PDF): July-September, 2019
Faculty Publication List (PDF): April-June, 2019
Faculty Publication List (PDF): January-March, 2019