About Theodore Benzer, MD, PhD

Clinical Interests:



Boston: Massachusetts General Hospital

Mass General Emergency Medicine
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-724-4100

View location, directions and parking information for Mass General

Medical Education

  • PhD, California Institute of Technology
  • MD, Yale University School of Medicine
  • Residency, Boston Medical Center

American Board Certifications

  • Emergency Medicine, American Board of Emergency Medicine
  • Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


Dr. Benzer's research has included work on the clinical assessment of pneumonia and the criteria for discharge from the emergency department. He has worked with point of care testing in the emergency department in an attempt to streamline care and decrease length of stay. He has been involved in a stroke study evaluating the reliability of the emergency department MD's assessment of an acute stroke patient in communication with the acute stroke team. Dr. Benzer has begun to collaborate with Dr. Jay Schuur of Brigham and Women's Hospital Emergency Department on a qualitative research study about methods for decreasing blood stream infection rate in patients with a central venous line.  Recently, he has begun collaborative research with Dr. Hannah Wong of York University in Toronto examining the individual variation of imaging utilization amongst emergency physicians. This line of research may lead to strategies for insuring appropriate use of advanced imaging in the emergency department.
