About this Division

We strive to improve the quality, safety, and equity of the emergency care we provide by leading high-quality, impactful research to inform clinical practice and health policy.

Part of the Mass General Department of Emergency Medicine, our team includes physician-scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham & Women’s Hospital. Our faculty hold academic appointments in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School and are invested in the development and growth of future leaders in emergency medicine and health services research.

Our Faculty

Jeremy Faust, MD
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School

Meet Dr. Faust
Explore his research

Emily Hayden, MD, MHPE
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Director, Emergency Medicine Telehealth Research Lab (EMTRL)

Meet Dr. Hayden
Explore her research

Joshua Joseph, MD, MS, MBE
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School

Meet Dr. Joseph
Explore his research

Kei Ouchi, MD, MPH
Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School

Meet Dr. Ouchi
Explore his research

Kalpana Shankar, MD, MSc, MS
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Director, MGB Fellowship in Health Policy and Social Emergency Medicine Research

Meet Dr. Shankar
Explore her research

Scott Weiner, MD, MPH
Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School

Meet Dr. Weiner
Explore his research

Kori Zachrison, MD, MSc
Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
Division Chief

Meet Dr. Zachrison
Explore her research

Our Fellows

Cassandra Peitzman, MD, PhD

Meet Dr. Peitzman
Explore her research

Cara Buchanan, MD

Meet Dr. Buchanan
Explore her research

Jessica Adkins Murphy, MD

Meet Dr. Murphy

Fellowship in Health Policy and Social Emergency Medicine Research

The goal of the Fellowship in Health Policy and Social Emergency Medicine Research is to equip the next generation of leaders in emergency medicine with the skills they need to design and conduct innovative population health-based research and practice changes and translate them into health policy.

Specifically, we train fellows to:

  • Identify gaps in clinical and social emergency care that are amenable to health policy solutions.
  • Develop, fund, implement, and evaluate emergency medicine practice and policy projects.
  • Maintain a working knowledge of health policy issues including quality and safety regulations, reimbursement structures and regulations, and legal standards as they relate to emergency care.
  • Conduct clinical and population-based health services research based on a strong foundation of epidemiologic and biostatistical methodology.
  • Communicate research findings to decision-makers and the public through multiple media formats.
  • Use leadership, teaching, and clinical skills to advocate for the practice of emergency medicine to policymakers.