Executive Committee on Teaching and Education
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The Executive Committee on Teaching and Education (ECOTE) is the Massachusetts General Hospital's central planning and policy-making body for education.

Members of ECOTE represent and promote the needs of the educational mission, develop and implement education strategies, policies, and procedures, make recommendations on the allocation of resources for educational purposes, provide oversight of education programs, and encourage and promote academic efforts to study and disseminate research related to healthcare teaching and education.
ECOTE hosts a biennial symposium, offers scholarships and grants for educators, supports an educational research core and provides other resources for Mass General educators to celebrate and advance the hospital’s education mission and delve into new teaching models and lifelong learning that transform care.
"Education is explicitly valued at Mass General...I can think of no better environment that has the unique combination of patient complexity and volume, student and resident aptitude, and depth of clinical expertise."James "Kimo" Takayesu, MD
Medical Education Fellowship Director, Mass General/BWH Emergency Medicine Residency Departmental Simulation Officer, Mass General Emergency Medicine
ECOTE Strategic Priorities
- Promote educational mission - Bolster Mass General education leadership and educate internal and external audiences about value of a “teaching hospital”
- Sustain educational impact - Strengthen external partnerships, alumni relationships, philanthropy, and financial support for education
- Invigorate the educational community - Develop the community, skill set and careers of Mass General clinician educators
- Transform the learner experience - Expand innovative approaches to customized, deliberate and interprofessional educational experiences
- Evaluate educational effectiveness - Increase education outcomes research and publication
Education Leadership
Resources for Mass General Educators
The Mass General Executive Committee on Teaching & Education (ECOTE) sponsors a portfolio of tools, programs and resources to help Mass General clinicians in their roles as teachers, innovators and educational scientists. All Mass General clinician educators are eligible for these offerings, from all health professions. In addition to deliberately being interprofessional, these resources are also intended to be relevant regardless of the setting in which you commonly teach (for example, bedside vs. classroom) and regardless of the developmental stage of the learners you may teach (for example, entry-level student, novice trainee, experienced practicing staff).
Contact ECOTE
Learn more about our programs by phone or email.