About Abhiram Bhashyam, MD, PhD

Departments, Centers, & Programs:

Clinical Interests:




Hand & Arm Service
55 Fruit St.
Suite 2C
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-4700

Hand & Arm Service at Mass General Waltham
52 Second Ave.
3rd Floor, Suite 3300
Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 617-726-4700

Medical Education

  • MD, Harvard Medical School
  • PhD, University Medical Center of Utrecht
  • Residency, Harvard / MGB Combined Training Program*
  • Fellowship, University of Washington Medical Center

American Board Certifications

  • Orthopaedic Surgery, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Surgery, Hand, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


To improve patient care directly and rapidly, Dr. Bhashyam applies research methodologies from non-medical fields to study clinical and translational research topics in orthopaedic surgery. Recent interdisciplinary and innovative projects include studies on patient outcomes/quality improvement, surgical education, the role of socioeconomic factors in patient care, opioids in orthopaedics, and mathematical modeling. His current research has three focus areas:

  1. Outcomes/quality improvement in trauma and upper extremity surgery, especially the role of socioeconomic factors in patient care
  2. Surgical education
  3. Mathematical modeling and imaging, especially patient-specific simulation


  • Select Publications:

    • Abhiram R. Bhashyam, Jerry Huang. Hand and Wrist Injuries, Fractures and Reconstruction; Microsurgery and Replantation. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update 14. 2021. Chicago, IL: AAOS Publishing.
    • Bhashyam AR, McGovern MM, Mueller T, et al. The Personal Financial Burden Associated with Musculoskeletal Trauma. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2019 Jul 17;101(14):1245-1252.
    • Bhashyam AR, and Dyer GSM. "Virtual" Boot Camp: Orthopaedic Intern Education in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2020 Sep 1;28(17):e735-e743.
    • Bhashyam AR, Fernandez DL, Fernandez dell'Oca A, and Jupiter JB. Dorsal Barton fracture is a variation of dorsal radiocarpal dislocation: a clinical study. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2019 Dec;44(10):1065-1071.
    • Bhashyam AR, and Jupiter JB. Revision Fixation of Distal Humerus Fracture Nonunions in Older Age Patients with Poor Bone Quality or Bone Loss - Is This Viable as a Long-term Treatment Option?. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2019 May;7(3):251-257.
    • Bhashyam AR, Ochen Y, van der Vliet QMJ, et al. Association of Patient-reported Outcomes With Clinical Outcomes After Distal Humerus Fracture Treatment. J Am Acad Orthop Surg Glob Res Rev. 2020 Feb;4(2).
    • Bhashyam AR, Liu Y, and Kao DS. Targeted Peripheral Nerve Interface: Case Report with Literature Review. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2021 Apr;9(4):e3532.
    • Bhashyam AR, Fils J, Lowell J, et al. A novel approach for needs assessment to build global orthopedic surgical capacity in a low-income country. J Surg Educ. 2015 Jul-Aug;72(4):e2-8.
    • Bhashyam AR*, Basilico M*, Harris MB, and Heng M. Prescription Opioid Type and the Likelihood of Prolonged Opioid Use After Orthopaedic Surgery. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2019 May 1;27(9):e423-e429.