About Erica Greenberg, MD

Erica Greenberg, M.D. is the Director of the Pediatric Psychiatry OCD and Tic Disorders Program at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. She is a board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist and is an Instructor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. She attended Washington University in St. Louis for her undergraduate studies and received her M.D. from Weill Cornell Medical College where she graduated Alpha Omega Alpha. Dr. Greenberg completed her general psychiatry residency at Harvard Longwood Psychiatry where she served as the administrative chief resident, and she completed her child and adolescent fellowship training at Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean where she also served as a chief resident. Dr. Greenberg’s primary interests are in Tourette syndrome and related disorders including OCD, ADHD and body-focused repetitive disorders (hair pulling, skin picking). She is a Dupont Warren Fellow and is conducting a clinical trial on tailoring CBIT (comprehensive behavioral intervention for tics) to youth with both tic disorders and ADHD.


Departments, Centers, & Programs:

Clinical Interests:



Mass General Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
55 Fruit St.
Suite 6A
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-724-5600

Medical Education

  • MD, Weill Cornell Medical College
  • Residency, Brigham and Women's Hospital
  • Residency, Harvard Longwood Psychiatry Residency Training Program
  • Residency, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Residency, McLean Hospital

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As the director of the Pediatric Psychiatry OCD and Tic Disorders Program, Dr. Greenberg specializes in working with individuals with tic disorder (including Tourette syndrome "TS") and co-occuring disorders, including OCD, ADHD and body-focused repetitive behavior disorders (BFRBs).  Dr. Greenberg is currently the principal investigator (PI) of a behavioral treatment study evaluating whether a modified treatment may help improve tic, ADHD and quality of life symptoms in children/adolescents with tic disorders and co-occuring ADHD.  Additionally she focuses on the phenomenological association between tic disorders, OCD and BFRBs (specifically trichotillomania and skin-picking disorder), and collaborates with the Tourette Syndrome Assocation International Consortium for Genetics (TSAICG) regarding better elucidating the genetic underpinnings of TS and related disorders.


    1. Greenberg E, Grant JE, Curley E, Lochner C, Woods DW, Tung E, Stein DJ, Redden SA, Scharf, JM, Keuthen N. Predictors of comorbid eating disorders and association with other obsessive compulsive spectrum disorders in trichotillomania. Compr Psychiatry. 2017 Oct;78:1-8.
    2. Greenberg E, Osiecki L, Tung E, Gauvin CA, Essa A, Illmann C, Sandor P, Dion Y, Lyon GL, King R, Darrow SM, Hirschtritt ME, Budman CL, Grados M, Lee P, Pauls DL, Keuthen N, Mathews CA, Scharf JM on behalf of the Tourette Syndrome Association International Consortium for Genetics. Prevalence and predictors of trichotillomania and excoriation disorder in Tourette syndrome. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2017 Nov 2. doi: 10.1007/s00787-017-1074-z.
    3. Yu D, Sul JH, Tsetsos F, Nawaz MS, Huang AY, Zelaya I, Illmann C, Osiecki L, Darrow SM, Mirschtritt ME, Greenberg E, et al. Interrogating the genetic determinants of TS and other tic disorders through genome-wide association studies. 2018. Accepted by American Journal of Psychiatry.
    4. Greenberg EL, Rubin DH. Tics and Tourette’s Disorder. In: Stern TA, Herman JB, Rubin DH, Eds. Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Update and Board Preparation, 4th Edition. MGH Psychiatry Academy, 2018. p77-81.
    5. Greenberg EL and Geller DA. Phenomenology and Standard Care of OCD in Children and Adolescents. In Ollendick T, Muris P and Farrell L Eds. “Innovations in CBT for Childhood Anxiety, OCD, and PTSD:  Improving Access & Outcomes.” Cambridge University Press, 2019.