About Sarah Gray, PsyD

Dr. Gray’s current clinical and research interests involve health psychology and behavioral medicine, pain psychology and innovative chronic pain interventions, mindfulness for brain injuries, evidence-based integrative approaches to wellness, stress-management interventions, such as mindfulness, biofeedback, neurofeedback, and clinical hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy, and subjects related to creativity and art therapy and the role of nutrition in mental health.

Clinical Interests:


Medical Education

  • PSYD, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
  • Fellowship, University of Rhode Island Counseling Center

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  • Gray, S.N. (2011). A Survey of General Population and Health Professionals’ Opinions Regarding the Use of St. John’s Wort in the Treatment of Mild to Moderate Depression (Doctoral dissertation). Proquest.


    Gray, S. N. (2017). An Overview of the Use of Neurofeedback Biofeedback for the Treatment of Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury in Military and Civilian Populations. Medical Acupuncture, 29(4), 215–219. http://doi.org/10.1089/acu.2017.1220


    Polich G, Gray S, Tran D, Morales-Quezada L, Glenn M. (2020). Comparing focused attention meditation to meditation with mobile neurofeedback for persistent symptoms after mild-moderate traumatic brain injury: a pilot study. Brain Injury, 23;34(10):1408-1415. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2020.1802781.


    Ballou, S., Gray, S., Palsson, O.S. (2020). National Pandemic Emotional Impact Report.



    Ballou, S., Gray, S., Palsson, O.S. (2020). Validation of the Pandemic Emotional Impact Scale. Brain Behavior Immunity Health. doi: 10.1016/j.bbih.2020.100161.