A preemie's testament to resiliency: Shea's story
When Shea Tufts was born premature at 27 weeks, the Neonatal care team did CPR for 12 nerve-wracking minutes. Now an energetic preschooler, Shea's rocky first months paved the way for her to thrive.
Departments, Centers, & Programs:
Clinical Interests:
Mass General for Children: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-724-4310
Medical Education
American Board Certifications
Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.
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Mass General is recognized as a top hospital on the U.S. News Best Hospitals Honor Roll for 2024-2025.
When Shea Tufts was born premature at 27 weeks, the Neonatal care team did CPR for 12 nerve-wracking minutes. Now an energetic preschooler, Shea's rocky first months paved the way for her to thrive.
Shortly after birth, Elias Asry was fussy and feverish. After a few tests and several attempts to calm him, he was diagnosed with early onset septicemia from E. coli bacteria in his bloodstream.
When Shea Tufts was born premature at 27 weeks, the Neonatal care team did CPR for 12 nerve-wracking minutes. Now an energetic preschooler, Shea's rocky first months paved the way for her to thrive.
Shortly after birth, Elias Asry was fussy and feverish. After a few tests and several attempts to calm him, he was diagnosed with early onset septicemia from E. coli bacteria in his bloodstream.
When Shea Tufts was born premature at 27 weeks, the Neonatal care team did CPR for 12 nerve-wracking minutes. Now an energetic preschooler, Shea's rocky first months paved the way for her to thrive.
Shortly after birth, Elias Asry was fussy and feverish. After a few tests and several attempts to calm him, he was diagnosed with early onset septicemia from E. coli bacteria in his bloodstream.