About Thomas Horn, MD, MBA

Dr. Horn is a leader in advancing the clinical, research, and educational aspects of the fields of dermatology and dermatopathology. He is Emeritus Executive Director of the American Board of Dermatology, and Vice Chair of the Department of Dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Departments, Centers, & Programs:

Clinical Interests:




Mass General Dermatopathology at Newton
2 Wells Ave.
Newton, MA 02459
Phone: 855-644-3376

Mass General Dermatology
50 Staniford St.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-2914

Medical Education

  • MD, University of Virginia School of Medicine
  • Residency, University Of Maryland
  • Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
  • Fellowship, University of Virginia

American Board Certifications

  • Dermatology, American Board of Dermatology
  • Dermatopathology, American Board of Dermatology

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In addition to basic science research on Graft-versus-Host Disease, Dr. Horn recently contributed to the National Institute of Health (NIH) Development Project on Criteria for Clinical Trials in Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease Consensus Conference of 2014. Conference outcomes include new information from histopathological studies of GVHD in the gut, liver, skin, and oral mucosa and an expanded discussion of GVHD in the lungs and kidneys. 
