About Oscar Benavidez, MD

Dr. Oscar J. Benavidez, MD/MPP is the Division Chief of Pediatric/Congenital Cardiology and the Medical Director of the Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization and Surgical Programs. Dr. Benavidez is also the Director of Diversity and Equity at the MassGeneral Hospital for Children.

His clinical area of expertise is in Non-Invasive Congenital Cardiac Imaging from fetus to adult patients with congenital heart disease. Dr. Benavidez is involved in health services research and has published on topics related to patient safety and quality as it pertains to the care of patients with congenital heart disease. He is also on national committees that develop and implement quality measures.

Clinical Interests:




Mass General for Children at Blue Hills Medical Center
340 Wood Rd.
Braintree, MA 02184
Phone: 888-644-3248

Mass General for Children at Newton Wellesley Hospital
2014 Washington St.
Newton, MA 02462
Phone: 617-243-6585

Mass General for Children: Pediatric and Congenital Cardiology
55 Fruit St.
Suite 6C
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-2000

Medical Education

  • MD, Harvard Medical School
  • Residency, Children's Hospital of Boston
  • Fellowship, Children's Hospital of Boston
  • Fellowship, Children's Hospital of Boston

American Board Certifications

  • Pediatric Cardiology, American Board of Pediatrics

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My body of health services research includes examination of patient risk factors for adverse clinical events such as inpatient mortality, complications, and diagnostic error. I have published in this area and have received multiple grants for my work. This work in many ways was my field’s first systematic attempt in examining unwanted patient events such as complications following congenital heart surgery. This work lead to my being included as part of an international surgical society to help define and create the taxonomy for congenital heart centers to use to track complications in this patient population. I also developed the first taxonomy for categorizing diagnostic errors in the echocardiography assessment of congenital heart disease. This work has lead to multiple successful grant applications and my inclusion in national cardiology societies including the American Society of Echocardiography and the American College of Cardiology working groups in quality to help define quality in diagnostic cardiac imaging for the field.


    • Benavidez O, Gauvreau K, del Nido P, Bacha E, Jenkins K. Complications and risk factors for mortality during congenital heart surgery admissions. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2007
    • Benavidez O, Gauvreau K, Jenkins KJ, Geva T. Diagnostic errors in pediatric echocardiography: Development of taxonomy and identification of risk factors.Circulation. 2008
    • Flannery LD, Fahed AC, DeFaria Yeh D, Youniss MA, Barinsky GL, Stefanescu Schmidt AC, Benavidez OJ, Meigs JB, Bhatt AB. Frequency of Guideline-Based Statin Therapy in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease. Am J Cardiol. 2017 Nov 23
    • Kim Y. Gauvreau K, Bacha E, Landzberg M, Benavidez, O. Resource Use Among Adult Congenital Heart Surgery Admissions in Pediatric Hospitals: Risk Factors for High Resource Utilization and Association with Inpatient Death. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 2011