About Thomas Fry, MD

Clinical Interests:



Mass General Concierge Medicine
50 Staniford St.
10th Floor
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-643-2132

Medical Education

  • MD, University of Massachusetts Medical School
  • Residency, Lahey Clinic Medical Center

American Board Certifications

  • Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


  • Rendahl KG, Gaukhshteyn N, Wheeler DA, Fry Thomas A, Hall JC. Defects in Courtship and Vision Caused by Amino Acid Substitutions in a Putative RNA-Binding Protein Encoded by the No-on-transient A (nonA) Gene of Drosophila. Journal of Neuroscience. 16(4): 1511-22, 1996 Feb 15.
  • Stanewsky R, Fry Thomas A, Reim I, Saumweber H, Hall JC. Bioassaying Putative RNA-binding Motifs in a Protein Encoded by a Gene That Influences Courtship and Visually Mediated Behavior in Drosophila: in vitro Mutagenesis of nonA. 143 (1): 259-75, 1996 May.
  • Fry Thomas A, Evans JH, Sanderson MJ. Propagation of Intercellular Calcium Waves in C6 Glioma Cells Transfected with Connexins 43 or 32. Microscopy Research and Technique. 52(3): 289-300, 2001 Feb 1.