About Cristina Cusin, MD

Departments, Centers, & Programs:

Clinical Interests:




Mass General Psychiatry: Depression Clinical & Research Program
One Bowdoin Square
6th Floor
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-8895

Medical Education

  • MD, Universita Di Milano
  • Residency, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Residency, Universita degli Studi di Milano
  • Fellowship, Universita Vita Salute San Raffaele

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Dr. Cusin's field of interest is Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD). 

At the Depression Clinical & Research Program (DCRP), she is involved in numerous clinical trials, sponsored by NIMH and foundations, investigating new pharmacologic treatments for Major Depression and TRD, including intravenous administration of ketamine

She was one of the programmers in the pivotal trial for Deep Brain Stimulation for MDD sponsored by Medtronic, for patients affected by extremely treatment-refractory depression. She is currently involved in a research study investigating Vagal Nerve Stimulator for depression.

Dr. Cusin's focus of research includes detecting biomarkers of antidepressant response and possible neurobiological mechanisms of placebo response in antidepressant clinical trials.
