About Gleeson Rebello, MBBS

Clinical Interests:




Children's Orthopaedics Service
55 Fruit Street
Suite 3E
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-8523
Fax: 617-724-0551

Mass General Brigham Healthcare Center at Foxborough
22 Patriot Place
Foxboro, MA 02035
Phone: 617-726-8523

Medical Education

  • MBBS, Goa Medical College
  • Residency, Goa Medical College
  • Fellowship, Children's Hospital
  • Fellowship, Kasturba Medical College Manipal
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital

American Board Certifications

  • Orthopaedic Surgery, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


Dr. Rebellos performs research in two distinct areas: Pediatric Hip Disease and complex foot disorders.

Pediatric Hip Disease:
Dr. Rebello has studied Pediatric Hip Disease with its immediate and long-term ramifications, including pediatric hip pathology and hip joint preservation in young adults. He has researched the role of surgical dislocation in pediatric hip deformity and the role of the triple pelvic osteotomy in treating complex hip dysplasia in neuromuscular and teratological conditions.

Complex Foot Disorders:
Dr. Rebello is also interested in complex foot disorders and their management. He has published articles on the foot in multiple synostoses syndromes and pre-axial mirror polydactyly.


  • Select Publications:

    • Rebello G, Joseph B. Late presentation of developmental dysplasia of hip in children from southwest India - Will screening help? Indian Journal of Orthopaedics 2003; 37:210-14.
    • Rebello G, Joseph B. The Foot in Multiple Synostoses Syndrome. European Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery 2003; 9:19-24.
    • Rebello G, Spencer S, Millis M, Kim YJ. Surgical Dislocation in the Management of Pediatric and Adolescent Hip Deformity. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2009; 467:724-31.
    • Rebello G, Parikh R, Grottkau B. Coaptive Film versus Subcuticular Suture: Comparing skin closure time following identical, single session, bilateral limb surgery in children. J Pediatr Orthop. 2009; 29:626-8.
    • Rebello G, Zilkens C, Dudda M, Matheney T, Kim YJ. Triple pelvic osteotomy in complex hip dysplasia seen in neuromuscular and teratologic conditions. J Pediatr Orthop. 2009; 29:527-34.