About Sareh Parangi, MD

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Clinical Interests:



Newton-Wellesley Hospital
2014 Washington St.
Newton, MA 02462
For patient appointments: 617-243-6000

Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114
For patient related matters: 617-831-7515

Medical Education

  • MD, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons
  • Residency, University of California - San Francisco
  • Fellowship, University of California - San Francisco
  • Fellowship, Whitehead Institute

American Board Certifications

  • General Surgery, American Board of Surgery

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


Dr. Sareh Parangi has been one of the Boston surgeons named in Best Doctor and her excellence in both research and her clinical expertise have earned her a national reputation.  She is one of a handful of endocrine surgeons with expertise in molecular biology and has over 100 publications, many on thyroid cancer therapeutics as well as management of hyperparathyroidism in premier journal. She has taught about thyroid cancer care at the Harvard Course "Advances in Cancer Management for the Surgeon" and about thyroid and parathyroid ultrasound at the American College of Surgeons. 

Dr. Parangi has been able to balance her passion for translational research with innovative and compassionate care to patients with complex thyroid and parathyroid diseases.  Her work in thyroid cancer details certain key genetic changes seen more frequently in those who do poorly, to help elucidate the role of these genetic changes in the aggressive behavior of those cancers.  This important research effort focuses on clarifying the molecular mechanism of thyroid cancer invasion and understanding the process of disease progression in patients with thyroid cancer. Dr. Parangi's laboratory has started to characterize how a common genetic mutation in aggressive thyroid cancer BRAF (V600E) leads to thyroid cancer cell invasion, migration and metastasis. She has established the endocrine tumor tissue repository in 2008 and the molecular diagnostics laboratory is has been combined with other translational research efforts at the MGH including the Endocrine Surgery Clinical Database under the auspices of the Codman Center for Clinical Effectiveness and basic science laboratory research to improve translational research in thyroid cancer.
