About Jonathan Winograd, MD

Clinical Interests:




Mass General Surgery: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
55 Fruit St.
Suite 435
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-1915

Mass General Brigham Healthcare Center
52 Second Ave.
Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 877-424-5678

Medical Education

  • MD, Harvard Medical School
  • Residency, Johns Hopkins Hospital***
  • Fellowship, Barnes Jewish Hospital

American Board Certifications

  • Hand Surgery, American Board of Plastic Surgery
  • Plastic Surgery, American Board of Plastic Surgery

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


My laboratory investigates emerging technologies and their translation into clinical practice to improve outcomes of peripheral nerve reconstruction and regeneration. 

Previous work investigated stem cell transplantation into muscles to prevent atrophy after injury.  Muscles that have lost their neural input from injury or disease would be protected from severe, irreversible atrophy in order to improve reconstructive outcomes after they recover.  Separate work in collaboration with the Bizzi Lab at MIT developed a model to investigate a novel Brain Body Interface (BBI), which would allow for restoration of voluntary limb control directly from the motor cortex of the brain in spinal cord-injured patients who have lost that function from their injury.

More recently, the technique of photochemical tissue bonding (PTB), in which tissues are bonded together using light to activate a chemical dye, has been applied to the microsurgical repair of peripheral nerves.  The dye is able to form covalent bonds without the use of sutures to hold the tissues together. This limits scar tissue formation at the repair and also results in faster and more complete regeneration of the nerve fibers and better outcomes in animal models of nerve repair. This technique is now ready for evaluation in clinical trials, which may lead to clinical application to complex nerve reconstruction and the potential for better outcomes from nerve injuries following reconstruction.  



    Please refer to PubMed link to review the 65 peer reviewed publications of Dr. Winograd.  Below are full information for two of the most recent publications. 


    Surgical management and epidemiological trends of pediatric electrical burns.


    Depamphilis MA, Cauley RP, Sadeq F, Lydon M, Sheridan RL, Driscoll DN, Winograd JM.


    Burns. 2020 Mar 31.



    Wide-Field Functional Microscopy of Peripheral Nerve Injury and Regeneration.


    Nam AS, Easow JM, Chico-Calero I, Villiger M, Welt J, Borschel GH, Winograd JM, Randolph MA, Redmond RW, Vakoc BJ.


    Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 18;8(1):14004.