About Lucy Chen, MD

I have been working in MGH Center for Pain Medicine for more 15 years. I have been actively involved in clinical research at the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Translational Pain Research. My current research interests are focused on clinical studies: 1.  to evaluate acupuncture outcome in pain management. 2. to evaluate hyperalgesia in patients with chronic opioid use (opioid-induced hyperalgesia) and possible diagnostic and treatment tools.

Clinical Interests:




Mass General Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
55 Fruit St.
Suite 444
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-3030

Medical Education

  • MD, Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences
  • Residency, Medical College of Virginia Hospitals
  • Fellowship, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital

American Board Certifications

  • Pain Medicine, American Board of Anesthesiology

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Research Areas:
Acupuncture and alternative medicine
Opioid use in pain management
Opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH)

Description of Research:
My current acupuncture study has 4 specific aims; (1) use quantitative testing (QST) as an assessment tool for the effectiveness of acupuncture on clinical pain; (2) compare changes in QST responses and biomarkers following acupuncture therapy; (3) compare effect of acupuncture and pain medication on clinical pain.

Principle Investigator Research:

Acupuncture:  A Method of Evaluating Acupuncture Therapy in Pain Management

Co-investigator Research:

QST: Compare pain threshold and pain tolerance as measured by QST

Pharmacotherapy: Alleviating Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia with Noval Pharmacotherapy
