Researchers Assess the Risk of Monkeypox Transmission Following Exposure in Healthcare Settings
Analysis of articles published from 2000 up until the current outbreak uncovers only a single reported case of transmission following exposure.
Clinical Interests:
Mass General Infectious Diseases
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-3906
Medical Education
American Board Certifications
Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.
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Mass General is recognized as a top hospital on the U.S. News Best Hospitals Honor Roll for 2024-2025.
Analysis of articles published from 2000 up until the current outbreak uncovers only a single reported case of transmission following exposure.
My experience with Dr. Zachary was very good. It was my first time actually seeing him in his office. Everything went well and that's it.
Hi, I think Dr. Zachary's awesome. He's very nice and I've had him before for a couple of years now and that's about it. He's a nice guy. He's a nice doctor and he cares. Bye-bye.
Dr. Zachary and the staff are always very nice and help me with my care in such a professional manner. I really appreciate their care. Thank you, [redacted]
I have been seeing Dr. Zachary since 2019. Every visit is perfect, 100% plus, never any complaints.
I've been a patient of Dr. Kimon Zachary for about 10 to 12 years and I have found him to be knowledgeable, caring. He gives me the time that I need even when it takes a lot more time than he expects or even I expect. He's very patient with me. He follows up and all in all I am very satisfied with his care. I think he's a terrific doctor and gives ... Read More
Dr. Zachary has always been one of my favorites. He has a genuine concern towards your care.
Dr Zachary and his team have provided consistent informative care for me over the past 6 weeks. The lines of communication are clear and easy to utilize when information exchange is needed.
I would not change a thing. MGH is and always be number one. I will always be grateful to MGH.
Dr.Zachary is so nice and always has an answer to any questions I have. Pleasure to talk to.
The doctor that I see is very helpful and attentive. He is very calm and explains everything very well such as lab work and vaccines. He is a great doctor. My congratulations to him.