About Tatsuo Kawai, MD, PhD

Clinical Interests:




Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-2000

Medical Education

  • MD, Nihon University
  • PhD, Tokyo Women's Medical University
  • Residency, Kawasaki City Hospital
  • Residency, Tokyo Women's Medical University
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital

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The induction of donor-specific tolerance is currently one of the most important goals of organ or cell transplantation.

Based on our rodent studies on mixed chimerism, we developed a clinically relevant nonmyeloablative preparative regimen to induce mixed chimerism and renal allograft tolerance following donor bone marrow transplantation in MHC fully mismatched cynomolgus monkeys. This approach has been successfully extended to HLA mismatched kidney transplant recipients. In 7/10 recipients who were treated with our mini-bone marrow transplant, immunosuppression was successfully discontinued at 9-14 months following the transplant with the longest survival of 17 years. To expand the clinical program for transplant tolerance, Dr. Kawai helped launch the Legorreta Center for Clinical Transplantation Tolerance at Mass General.

Clinical application of xenotransplantation is another major goal in organ transplantation as a potential way to solve the organ shortage crisis. In collaboration with eGenesis Bio, kidney xenograft survival greater than two years has been achieved in nonhuman primates.


  • Select Publications:  From a  total of 124 peer-reviewed manuscripts, 57 Reviews and 17 Textbook chapters have been published as of Dec 2009. 

    • Kawai T, Cosimi AB, Colvin RB, et al. Mixed allogeneic chimerism and renal allograft tolerance in cynomolgus monkeys. Transplantation 1995; 59 (2): 256.
    • Kawai T, Sogawa H, Boskovic S, et al. CD154 blockade for induction of mixed chimerism and prolonged renal allograft survival in nonhuman primates. Am J Transplant 2004; 4 (9): 1391.
    • Kawai T, Cosimi AB, Spitzer TR, et al. HLA-mismatched renal transplantation without maintenance immunosuppression. N Engl J Med 2008; 358 (4): 353.