Preparing for Your Surgical Procedure

Mass General is an accredited member of the American College of Bariatric Surgery Center Network. We offer the following surgical options for appropriate patients seeking weight loss:

  • Sleeve gastrectomy (also known as gastric sleeve): An alternative to gastric banding, this leading-edge procedure involves removal of three quarters of the stomach
  • Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: Staples are used to divide the stomach into a small pouch and larger remnant. This procedure may be conducted laparoscopically (a minimally invasive approach that requires only small incisions) or as standard open surgery
  • Revisional surgery: This is an option for patients suffering from complications of previous weight loss surgery

As a Weight Center patient, we want you to feel informed and prepared for your upcoming procedure. This page contains information and resources that will help you navigate your pre- and post-surgical journey.

Patient Story: Kim's Successful Weight Loss Surgery

After her weight loss surgery, Kim W.'s life transformed for the better.

Patient Resources

Instructions and other informative resources designed to prepare you for your upcoming procedure.

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Pain Management Guide

Pain Management Guide

Learn more about how to manage and assess pain after bariatric and metabolic surgery.

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Countdown to Surgery

Countdown to Surgery

This countdown will provide you with basic instructions to follow in the time before your

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Discharge Instructions

Discharge Instructions

Important actions to take after surgery to facilitate healing.

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Preventing Infection Before and After Surgery

Preventing Infection Before and After Surgery

Infection prevention starts in the days before your surgical procedure.

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Pre-operation Instructions

Pre-operation Instructions

A set of detailed instructions to follow before your surgical procedure.